How to come to like mornings when you have to go to work

in #howto7 years ago

For a start there are few facts:
- Sientists who are engaged in the study of the brain, in their books write that the most productive time is in the morning (to be more precise, from 6 to 11 am).
- Experts in time management argue that the frog (the most unpleasant tasks of the day) should be eaten in first hours after awakening.
- Julia Cameron in "The Artist's Way" describes the technique, followers of which have become thousands of people around the world. And it is called "Morning Pages".
- In yoga practice there is a recommendation to get up early and meet the Sunrise with asanas "surya namaskar".

Even if spiritual practices of East and leading specialists of the Western world pay particular attention to beginning of day, then it probably has some sort of magic.

However, who loves early mornings?
Wake up on the alarm clock, morning rituals in autopilot mode and painful thoughts "again to work." More difficult is only in winter. It's dark outside. It's cold in an apartment, but it is needed to get up and go somewhere. It is NOT according to your will. It is essential for somebody else, but not you. This weakness, the inability to do something differently drives nuts the most. It feels like I do not manage my own morning, but someone does it for me.

I worked in an office. Occasionally I had to do massage to restore my back from a sedentary lifestyle. Having called once again my therapist, I found out that the only free time was available at ... 7am. It was a challenge, but it became interesting to me how I could cope with it. Ten daily early-morning procedures. In addition, in the most unloved time of the year - in the winter.

Sensations of the first morning changed everything. I suddenly realized that now I need to go NOT to work, but to a pleasant procedure! Many winters passed in an all-as-one early rise, but this time I marked what the dawn looks like, what mood is in the air, how my inner state was changing. I also remember that spring - after all, I went for Sharqo's shower... also at 7 am).

1. I create myself a pleasant ritual that inspires to wake up with pleasure.

2. If all attempts to get up early failed with a crash, I sign up for early procedures or it is always possible to invite a specialist for early classes (yoga, massage, etc.)

I was fascinated by the idea of ​​pleasant events before the work and I thought about breakfast, like in a movie. (However, not the ones when she is late and running in a hurry runs into an office with a plastic cup of coffee ))
I wanted to allow myself before the work enjoy toasts and a cup of coffee in a cafe with a view of some bustling morning street where everyone runs, worries, signals ... And me, so peaceful, drinking my coffee and chatting with my friend who was made to support my crazy morning ideas))
Let infrequent, but such morning trips to a good cafe will bring fresh impressions, special emotions and of course a different mood before the working day.

3. I involve others in my morning ideas. With support, we are ready for more.

Once I let myself dream about the perfect morning.
I felt myself in some tropical country. It rained all night, so the morning turned out to be especially fresh and early. There is no alarm clock, but waking up is very pleasantly due to the sounds of nature and the voices of exotic birds. The first thing I do is drinking water and taking a warm bath. Then, I go out into the courtyard, where a master is already tuned for morning yoga with his students. After practice, we will wait for a fruit breakfast and mats for meditation.

It's all fantasy, but if my ideal morning looks like this, does not it tell the personal values that I'm implementing there? What is the most important thing that I can take right now to my current morning?

  • put rainforest music on the alarm clock
  • drink a glass of water
  • take a shower
  • to make asanas
  • adjust to the day in the silence of the morning and own thoughts

4. What would my perfect morning look like? What is there for me the most important and how can this be realized tomorrow?

Many scientists already say that time is not really linear. There is no past, no future. There is only the current moment, which contains both our experience and our dreams. And if you want to change something, why not to start now with a small step on the way to pleasure?


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