[Hard Fork 18] How To Use the Author Reward Splitting Feature

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Author reward splitting feature is introduced in v0.18.0. Authors can set a list of accounts when posting, to redirect all or a part of author rewards of that post.

Although the official name is "Comment Reward Beneficiaries", it can be used on both posts and replies.

Please be aware that rewards received by beneficiaries will be 100% Steem Power.

This post is mainly for developers, to help them create their own applications / websites, then users (you) will be able to use it easily. Advanced users can use the command line client (cli_wallet) so far, before a UI with this feature is out.

This post used this feature. 50% of author reward earned by this post will be BURNED automatically, 20% will go to @good-karma who is the developer of eSteem mobile App, and I'll keep the rest 30%.

Please be aware, beneficiaries must be specified in sorted order (account ascending).

Here is the command used in cli_wallet to create this post.

sign_transaction { "operations": [ [ "comment", { "parent_author": "", "parent_permlink": "howto", "author": "abit", "permlink": "hard-fork-18-how-to-use-author-reward-splitting-feature", "title": "[Hard Fork 18] How To Use the Author Reward Splitting Feature", "body": "To be edited.", "json_metadata": "{\"tags\":[\"howto\",\"steem\",\"hardfork\",\"development\"],\"app\":\"cli_wallet\/0.18.1\",\"format\":\"markdown\"}" } ], [ "comment_options", { "author": "abit", "permlink": "hard-fork-18-how-to-use-author-reward-splitting-feature", "max_accepted_payout": "1000000.000 SBD", "percent_steem_dollars": 10000, "allow_votes": true, "allow_curation_rewards": true, "extensions": [[0,{"beneficiaries":[{"account":"good-karma","weight":2000},{"account":"null","weight":5000}]}]] } ] ], "extensions": [], "signatures": [ ] } true

Here is the transaction with better format. You can also find it from block explorers for example SteemD.com or SteemDB.com :

            "title":"[Hard Fork 18] How To Use the Author Reward Splitting Feature",
            "body":"To be edited.",
            "max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",



Much thanks! I find that STEEM has many interesting features that relay on custom_json. Look how to reblog/resteem a post with sign_transaction and cli_wallet:

sign_transaction {"id": "follow", "json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"dropahead\",\"author\":\"yoganarchista\",\"permlink\":\"just-a-little-gif-i-created-with-a-collage-artwork-of-mine-100-power-up\"}]", "required_posting_auths": ["dropahead"]}

And this is how to reblog with a JSON-RPC call to cli_wallet:

curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0" "method": "sign_transaction", "params": [{"operations": [ ["custom_json", {"id": "follow", "json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"dropahead\",\"author\":\"yoganarchista\",\"permlink\":\"just-a-little-gif-i-created-with-a-collage-artwork-of-mine-100-power-up\"}]", "required_posting_auths": ["dropahead"]}] ] }, true], "id": 1}'

Thank you for posting. Super!

@good-karma: when do you plan to have this implemented in eSteem IOS/Android and Mac/Windows Desktop?

@abit: what is your view on a personalisation engine as part of Steemit and Steemit UI through which the user gets more control over it's own Steemit experience? Author Reward Split could be one to the first personalisation settings. Other setting that may become part of such personalisation engine are post/comment filtering; Bringing the functions done by several bots directly into the Steemit UI. The roadmap features for Community Services / Features could also become part of this.

Just released Android 1.4.1, next version will have this implemented 😉
Edit: It looks like I have witnessed same block for this post Thanks abit!

Just saw indeed :)
And the other platforms? When do you expect to release them?

iOS is on the way, within 24-48h and working on desktop app still, it will take some time because it is new design and slightly different user experience...

when I wanted to upvote this comment the system shows .. never saw this before...

Cannot increase payout within last twelve hours before payout.

This is new feature that was introduced with hf18. When post/comment is 12 hours before their payout time (6 days, 12 hours) no upvote is allowed, only downvote is possible.

I hope there is a GUI developed to take advantage of it for the less advanced user. I was thinking of those situations where a post is raising money for someone or something. It would be dashed useful then

I agree wholeheartedly with this!

We are going to incorporate it into condenser (the software behind the steemit.com UI) (as well as our forthcoming mobile app) with the release of communities later this year. One of the features of communities is the community in question requiring a specific minimum revenue split for any posts that want to be posted into that community.

These complex things make Steem little use. You have to work if you want to simplify this platform is used by many people. The continuous changes and the use of too many mechanisms drive people away. My I not meant to be a criticism but just a contribution @abit

yes I am waiting to be edited
hopefully a good news

So isn't it that, if the request is made in users' client side, then if he doesn't want to share the reward, he can make his own post request with different beneficiaries settings?

This is a very interesting feature.

I feel like Steem should have a two-layer options-model available:
Option 1 (default) for new users that just want to post an article and not spend much time on payout etc. details.
And Option 2 (advanced) which needs to be enabled first in the settings menu to be able to specify all kinds of settings for a post - like this new splitting feature.

@abit. So is this only for developer? Sorry I dummy about this. How Can I do this feature as regular person who do not know much about coding? Thank you ! :)

This post is mainly for developers, to help them create their own applications / websites, then users (you) will be able to use it easily.

oh.. okay... Thank you ! For give me a clear explaination. NIce ! :)

but are all this features opened to regular users or will all require codes, like the delegation of steem power etc and this one, will there be an adjustment to our wallet interface or to implement one will need to know some of these codes or have someone do it or are some of this features for select steemians based on criteria like steem power etc ?

They will be available on Steemit.com fairly soon I imagine.

Any graphical buttons to press instead for those less code savvy?

This post is mainly for developers, to help them create their own applications / websites, then users (you) will be able to use it easily.

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