MAKE Cake Recipe Bolu Soft And Delicious

in #how8 years ago (edited)

 Gorgeous information for friends who want to try how to make cakes at home, please see the details in the following article which will discuss the recipe to make soft and tasty sponge cake in two ways, namely by means steamed and roasted following: 

- Bolu Chocolate Cake Recipe

 Material :
- 1/4 kg of butter
- 3/8 kg of refined sugar
- 3 1/2 ounces of flour
- 1/2 cocoa powder
- 1/2 tablespoon ovalet
- 5 tablespoons of powdered milk white
- 12 eggs
- 2 packs small vanilla

How to make :

Separate the eggs (yolk and white) in different places, egg whites  can be placed in a bowl, while the egg yolk can remain inside the shell  of the egg.
Enter the butter, powdered sugar, vanilla and ovalet into the  basin, then mixcer with tinggin speed for 10 minutes or until the dough.
Once inflated, mix the dough with egg yolk inserted one by one  into the bowl (the dough should remain in mixcer continuously during the  yolk included) for 10 minutes.
Once completed, then enter the flour little by little into the mixture, stirring until blended.
Enter powdered milk little by little into the mixture, stirring until blended.
Enter cocoa powder little by little into the mixture, stirring until blended.
Mixcer egg whites that have been previously separated for 5  minutes, then enter the egg whites that have been in mixcer into the  batter, then in mixcer again for 10 minutes until the dough is smooth  and fluffy.
When finished, put the dough into the pan, then bake in the oven  for approximately 40 minutes at a temperature of 25 degrees centigrade.
Remove and let cool, chocolate sponge cake ready to serve. 

- Bolu Cheese Cake Recipe 

 Material :
- 8 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites
- 200 grams of wheat flour
- 125 grams of butter, melted
- 100 grams of caster sugar
- 100 grams of grated cheese
- 6 pieces of cheese kraft
- 4 pieces of cherry
- 75 grams whipped cream
- 50 grams of white butter
- 50 cc of cold water
How to Make Cream:
Cream mixer all the ingredients at high speed
How to make :

Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, then enter the melted butter and sugar until fluffy. Stir until blended and fluffy material.
After that pour into the pan, and put in the oven over medium heat.
Once the sponge cake lightly browned, remove from heat and let cool.
Shopping sponge cake into 2 parts, place a sheet of cheese into it, cover the sponge cake and spread with cream and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Afterwards decorated with red cherry on top.
Cheese sponge cake ready to serve. 

- Bolu Pandan Cake Recipe 

 Bahan :– 100 gram mentega, lelehkan
– 120 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
– 75 gram gula pasir (untuk putih telur)
– 50 gram gula pasir, yang butirannya lembut (untuk kuning telur)
– 30 ml air daun suji
– 5 kuning telur
– 5 putih telur
– 1/2 sendok teh cream of tartar
– 1/2 sendok teh garamCara Membuat :

  • Kocok  kuning telur dan 50 gram gula pasir hingga kental, kemudian masukkan  tepung terigu sambil di ayak, setelah itu tambahkan mentega yang telah  di lelehkan dan air daun suji, lalu aduk hingga rata.
  • Kocok  putih telur, cream of tartar dan garam hingga setengah mengembang,  tambahkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus di kocok hingga  mengembang.
  • Tuang adonan putih telur ke dalam adonan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk secara perlahan-lahan.
  • Tuang adonan tersebut ke dalam loyang, lalu kukus selama 50 menit hingga air mendidih, kemudian angkat dan dinginkan.
  • Potong-potong sesuai selera, dan bolu pandan siap untuk dihidangkan.

- Bolu Marble Cake Recipe 

 Bahan :– 150 gram tepung terigu– 150 gram mentega– 100 gram gula pasir– 3 butir telur (putih dan kuningnya)– 5 butir kuning telur– 1 sendok teh ovalet– 1 sendok teh baking powder– 1/2 sendok teh garam halus– 1/2 sendok teh pasta coklat– 1/2 sendok makan coklat bubukCara Membuat :

  • Campur tepung terigu dengan baking powder, lalu aduk hingga rata, kemudian sisihkan.
  • Kocok mentega, gula pasir dan garam hingga lembut dan ringan.
  • Di tempat terpusah, kocok telur hingga mengembang, kemudian tambahkan ovalet, lalu kocok hingga adonan mengembang kaku.
  • Tuang  kocokan telur ke dalam kocokan margarin, lalu aduk hingga rata,  kemudian tambahkan campuran tepung terigu, aduk dengan mixer kecepatan  sedang, hingga adonan tercampur rata.
  • Ambil 2 sendok sayur adonan, setelah itu masukkan pasta coklat dan coklat bubuk, kemudian aduk hingga rata.
  • Siapkan  loyang yang telah diolesi mentega sebelumnya, lalu tuang adonan cake  hingga separuh dari tinggi loyang, setelah itu ratakan. Tuang adonan  coklat pada bagian tengah adonan, lalu tutup atas adonan tersebut dengan  adonan putih hingga loyang hampir penuh.
  • Ambil garpu, aduk secara memutar pada adonan tersebut, agar adonan coklat di bagian tengah teraduk dan membentuk motif marmer.
  • Panggang adonan ke dalam oven dengan suhu 180 derajat celcius selama 40 menit atau hingga cake matang, kemudian angkat.
  • Keluarkan cake dari loyang, dan potong-potong sesuai selera.
  • Bolu marmer siap untuk dihidangkan.

 -Bolu Steamed Rainbow Cake Recipe 

 Material :
- 6 eggs
- 200 grams of sugar
- 200 grams of wheat flour
- 80 ml thick coconut milk
- 50 ml of vegetable oil
- 1 tablespoon emulsifier
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- Food coloring, red, green, yellow, brown taste
How to make :

Mixer eggs, sugar, emulsifiers and salt until pale and stiff dough, then add the flour and stir slowly.
Add coconut milk and vegetable oil and mix well with a spatula.
Then divide the dough into 4 parts, the parts are colored red, one part green, one part yellow and brown one piece again.
Prepare a baking sheet greased previously been lined with baking  paper, then pour the batter green, steamed for 10 minutes, 10 minutes  before the steamer lid should not be opened first, in order to inflate  his cake perfectly.
After 10 minutes of fill layers of red, steamed again for 10  minutes, then a layer of yellow for 10 minutes, and 10 minutes of the  last layer of chocolate.
Once mixed all the colors, steamed cake for 30 minutes until completely cooked.
Lift and cake ready to serve. 

 That's a different set of recipes sponge cake soft and delicious, hopefully this article can add insight companions about the culinary world. Good luck and good luck.

Follow me @raulnayoan


Interesting post, and very informative and comprehensive in its content. Delicious sounding recipes, and tempting photographs.

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