How to read and understand

in #how-to7 years ago


No matter how advanced technology gets, there will always be room for the traditional mode/style/system of reading.
It is no longer news that technology has taken away a lot of stress when it comes to studying.
For example, I could choose to watch a youtube video instead of even attending a class.
In that case, I have skipped the class part, skipped the writing or jotting in class and also missed the opportunity to ask questions where I am supposed to ask
So that I won't deviate from the topic I am talking about today, it is pertinent to note that as students, employing all the techniques of studying will not always make us pass our exams but also aid our general improvement in all ramifications.
Another major issue with reading at times is that you have to read it over and over again to be able to get it right.
Let me quickly tell you a story my teacher once told me.
My chemistry teacher back then once told me that it gets to a point where you read and you feel like you are wasting your time.
But he strongly advised that even in that situation, you are learning but you may never realize it.
When he said that, I got back home and I pondered about it.
So of course because chemistry was really a problem for me(especially the organic part).Lol
I really found it difficult to read at first, then secondly understanding it was a more difficult part of it for me
Well I took my text and started consuming it.
When i first finished the text, I didn't really grab about 96% of the text .
But you know what "Eureka" I found out something.
The interest in studying chemistry was rekindled in me and zeal to study was burning like fire.
I began studying the text right again, but just that this time , I was already feeling like a boss in chemistry.
I found out myself studying with purpose and pep.
Well trust me i didn't really know where this enthusiasm was coming from but I enjoyed every single part of it.
It was like A,B,C.
Then i asked myself why i was getting it this time, but the only answer I could think of is that KEEP STUDYING EVEN WHEN YOU FEEL YOU AREN'T UNDERSTANDING.
Life and everything in it is process.
A step by step process which will pay off if you don't jump steps.
Once you decide to jump steps you will definitely miss the target.
Some other reasons that could make you even lose interest in reading is when you don't understand yourself as well as have a reading plan.
Most people read when they feel like which may either be deleterious or good in a way.
However, it will be better you target and plan yourself to study the period when you will usually perform well mentally.
Like for me, I can study anytime but there is a time when all the Neurons in brain will be activated to accept anything and understand difficult problems.
The good part is that everyone has that particular period.
Therefore, what you should do is to find it.
It could be an old warehouse, under a shade or tree, close to the pool, in the market etc
It doesn't matter at all.
Just find it.
Well having said much, let me quickly highlight ways to read and understand quickly.

How To Read And Understand

In the face of the present day realities, it is very important as students, to be able to read and understand so we can pass that same knowledge to others.
So below are some of the ways you can achieve this feat;

Skim through Your Text First

Like I explained earlier with how I eventually fell in love with chemistry, First reading doesn't mean you will get it once.
Your first reading is just like skimming through the text.
This is mostly because when you reqd for the first time, there is 90% chance that you won't be able to focus on the most important ideas let alone bring them out.
Skimming through the text first gives you a general knowledge about what you are actually looking at.
But then, studying it again will open your eyes to some kind of information you didn't even notice in the first reading.
Cool right?

Take Down Notes When Studying

There are some courses which do not involve calculations.
So how do you write when studying those kind of texts.
The fact still remains that everything in a text cannot be all important.
Therefore when studying, ensure you jot down those very important parr of the text so that when you want to study next, you already know where to start or concentrate your energy .

Have A Plan To Reward Yourself For Meeting Your Target

There are a lot of times, I make promises to myself that "if I am able to read and understand this well, I will go see a movie the next weekend". lol
It all makes studying more fun and understanding.
And the truth is that whenever I set those kind of targets, I make sure I meet them.
It worked for me and so it should also work for you.

Give Break In Between Study Sessions

Humans are not machines.
Machines are designed for a specific purpose and so at a particular point in time, there is only one thing they are designed to do.
But it is not so for we humans.
Humans can be studying and be thinking of their challenges
They can be studying and be thinking about their girlfriends.
They can be reading and be thinking of their next exam.
They can be studying and planning their day for the next day.
Therefore, give space to free your mind.
You can decide to study for 2 hours and take a 30 minutes break
Then take another 1hr 30 minutes shot at your book and then take another 20 minutes break.
Trust me if you continue like that, in no distant time, you will completely consume your text and have some little time in between study sessions to think.

Ensure You Take Care Of Your Stomach Infrastructure

An hungry man they say is an angry man.
I can't imagine a hungry person trying to study.
It will as though look like you are wasting the whole of your time.
Therefore, ensure you eat light and take care of your physical wellbeing
Have a break to take showers if you are studying
In your room.
You will discover discover that this calms your nerves and even makes you understand better

Water Therapy

You can't understand nothing when you are dehydrated.
Therefore ensure you take a lot of water when studying.
In fact this will further help when you are studying at night as it will not make you fall asleep on time.
As you drink water, the rate at which you use the rest room increases by over 75%.
Standing up from your reading table will help you to stay sharp and focused.
Well, there are a whole lot other ways to read and understand.
But for the sake of my post in my chemistry series, I will choose to end it here.
However, you can always get some more by reading up articles under the study guide section of my blog @
Thanks for staying with me on this
Please drop your comments, upvote and keep resteeming.


You make some great points. I like the "stomach infrastructure" lol. Gotta eat right to learn right!

Sure one sir
I went somewhere to study one day and trust me i needed to read but i had no food to eat like seriously
Immediately i got there, i fell asleep and i saw myself eating bread in dream
Just to wake up see my self chewing the nylon i used to wrap my books
I can't forget
Thanks for the comment boss

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It will only encourage me to do more

That's the whole idea my man, encourage people and show them what some steem power can do.

Thanks alot for this post i am so sure of doing great academically if i put this into work!

Is a scholar there
Thanks for the comment boss

Nice one my able scholar

Thanks sir motivator
I am motivated to write more

I'll definitely use the water therapy

You need it so your phone wont be stolen in night class again loooooool

Ooohh now i see i for say why i flop academically since now am starting afresh scholarship cum ballership here i come

Thanks for the comment though

Water therapy... I like that part. Keep things like this coming bro. Cheers

Thanks Omonosa
You are highly sighted

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