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RE: I comment and upvote a lot of articles, yet no one visits my page! The frustration is too much; what should I do?

in #how-to6 years ago

From the many points highlighted here, I have been able to highlight some key areas where I have being defaulting which possibly defines the reason for my stagnated growth. Need mentioning also is the fact that I have also benefitted from aligning with the point that as a new steemian, one needs to continuously make thought provoking comments on articles of established steemians in order to get noticed and earn their rewards. One of such established steemians I personally encountered is @stackin
A whole lot of lessons learnt here and I hope time and resources will permit me to put these recommendations into profitable use as I have come to understand that steemit is not for the mental weaklings.
Thanks @eurogee for coordinating your thoughts and putting this together for our benefits.


It gladdens my heart to know that you found this of great use. Work by it and watch your story change for good


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