美帝买房小攻略【1】----买什么?!/ Buying House in the States[1]

in #house7 years ago (edited)


Finally, we move to our new house last weekend. Moving is the worst ever thing in the world. It's hard to believe why I have so many things. But I have to say buying house is an interesting experience. Want to share the experience with you folks. Just FYI :D

The buildings in the Stats is different with China.

日常的建筑居住房主要分为:独栋住宅(single family house), 集合住宅(condominium), 多家庭住宅 (multi-family home), 公寓 (apartment). 值得一提的是除了以上的建筑住宅还有一种移动住宅(mobile home),就是一截可拖动的房车车厢。

独立住宅就是国内说的别墅,是美国最普遍的住房单位,超过70%的家庭选择single family house作为住宅。标准的single family house 有前后院,以及住宅建筑。
Single family house is the most popular house style in the States. Standard single family house possesses front/back yard.

  • 集合住宅(condominium)


Condo can be sold by each unit in the building. People live there will share the public facility as well as the HOA fee.

  • 多家庭住宅 (multi-family home)


This is a American style building. It is similar with the Condominium. In general, there are only 2-4 famliy in the building.

20160924112633928 (1).jpg
Image credit by: https://www.meifang8.com/

  • 公寓 (apartment)


总的来说如果经济允许的话,single family house是美国人买房的首选。但是在地价金贵的地方,如湾区以及纽约曼岛等康斗多多家庭房屋也不失为一个好的选择。

In sum, single family house is always the first choice for people. But in area like SF and NY, people may also consider apartment or condominium.

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