Accepting That We Are All, One Way or Another, Afflicted with Flaws...

in #hot6 years ago

Hi, dear friends!

The wisdom of our species is still in a questionable state. You could claim that we already know how to build the perfect utopia, a place where everything is right and no shortcoming or wrongdoing may befall a single human being.

This is true, because our ignorance is not lack of knowledge, but an unwillingness to embrace a higher understanding of our society and world.

In this sense, there is knowledge, but there is no will to acquire it.

That is why generation after generation, we are mingled with characteristic flaws, willful shortcomings, and other precarious insecurities of emotional nature.

Your parents or your grandparents and generations before that did not have the knowledge to raise their child with caution and wisdom, making the right decisions at every step of the way and using psychology to make sure that their child is not going to have a turbulent and unstable personality when he grows up.

This was mostly trial and error, or if we are being overly optimistic, a common wisdom passed from generation to generation on how to raise a child.

But all those methods and shared wisdom had flaws and were not approved in a scientific way.

It might be too much to expect that one day, society will decide to embrace a higher understanding of life and create the perfect society, but until then, we can only accept that all of us are flawed.

Take a look at the current state of our society. Apart from a particular group of people, most of the population live in utter ignorance.

Everyday, we witness a watered-down society where people work to cover the costs of living and distract themselves with things that are not in their best interest.

Most of them are not even willing to take up a book once in a while and start reading a bit, probably assuming that a little more knowledge is too much to bear.

Some of our youth outright laugh in your face when you mention subjects like acquiring knowledge or coming to a higher understanding of life.

That is why our outlook towards life is flawed, as is our character, because our upbringing was done in questionable circumstances.

What is one to do by accepting this fact?

Humans are creatures of pride and vanity. Without accepting the idea that we may not be right all the time or that we may have characteristic flaws that need to taken care of, we can never hope for progress.

Without forsaking our pride and accepting our flaws, we continue turning the wheel for an eternity.

The cycle continues. Generation after generation, the collective arrogance and ignorance of the human race thrives, and destroys the hope for a better society.

You cannot expect other people to behave perfectly or always make the right decisions, because you yourself are prone to mistakes and other flaws of the same nature.

This sympathy will lead to more harmony and peace amongst the members of a society. It can also help you build mature relationships based on trust, compromise and tolerance.

No one is perfect, and nor are you. But we can all aspire for perfection and try to deal with the flaws that have afflicted us for as far as civilization goes back.

Let us be more understanding towards one another, let us be more forgiving of other people’s mistakes, and let us be mindful of our own flaws and shortcomings and find ways to counter them with knowledge and wisdom.

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