How to Find happiness in your life

in #hot7 years ago

Methods for finding happiness in your life are

Be strong and optimistic. Don't let negative circumstances and sadness creep into or ruin your life. Whenever you are sad, try to keep your head high. You should tell yourself that life is full of hopes, challenges and unexpected twists and turns of surprises.

Keep yourself busy. You know what they say about idle hands, right? Research has consistently found that people who stay busy are happier than people who stand idle.[1][2] Not only is too much free time a little depressing, it can also be unproductive. Think of all the things you could be doing, like joining clubs, visiting places, hearing lectures, and then think of how little time you are given in life to do just that.

Give yourself reasons to smile. Scientists have found that the act of smiling may actually make you happier.[3] That's right: just smiling. Give it a try. Find any one of the following reasons to smile and give it a go:
A stranger passed you and smiled.
Someone else did a nice thing for a random stranger.

Something unexpected happened that caused you to think about how vast and strange the world is.
You saw something beautiful in the world.


Be generous and compassionate. You might feel smart for thinking that winning a lottery ticket could make you happy, but you'd be wrong. Money increases happiness only up to a certain level, where your basic needs are met.After that, money makes you no happier than other people. What does make you happy, however, is compassion.


Learn how to forgive others. Forgiving others is the act of letting bygones be bygones. If you can find it in your heart to forgive other people, even ones who don't deserve it or aren't willing to forgive you, studies say that you'll be a happier person.
Forgiving other people may make you a happier person by reducing blood pressure, lowering overall stress levels, and slowing down heart rate.


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