Why do you need to take a pole dancing lesson?

in #hot7 years ago

Pole dancing is one of the trendiest forms of fitness nowadays. When you see the moves some people can do on the pole you will realize this is tough work.


The beginnings

As each form of dance, this has its ‘history' and how it ended up in gyms. There is no need to deny it: pole dancing came from nightclubs where dancers performed it to entertain men. Then in the 80's American exotic dance world champion Fawnia Dietrich rethought pole dancing and brought it into the gyms so everyday women can experience its beneficial effects. This is how it got into fitness clubs, and pole dancing studios started to pop up afterward and then it reached Europe. In Dollhouse Studio, we are teaching pole dancing since 2003.
When the movie 'Why I dance' was released they asked the participants why they love dancing. They usually said because ‘I love my body,' or ‘It is a brutal exercise with challenges' or because ‘It makes me happy.' Interestingly no one mentioned entertaining men or earning money as a reason.

The positive effects of pole dancing

Pole dancing blends a lot of things which will be beneficial not just on the outside but the inside as well. It is perfect for strengthening your upper body, your core muscles while it's is also a sexually liberating, somewhat cathartic experience. It is an excellent tool for self-expression for every woman which helps You experience your power, stamina, and femininity. It helps to accept and respect your body while improving your sense of balance, your coordination, and spatial perception.

Sexy or not?
Not everybody like to mix training and sexy self-expression, some people find it hard to experience their sexuality and womanliness. For them, this is a chance for self-improvement and stepping out of their comfort zone. Pole dancing is sexy, and there is nothing you can do about it!
There is no point fighting it. It's like getting up in the morning and saying to yourself: ‘Oh my, I better not be sexy today. What can I do to stop being hot? I should do something about it!'
It doesn't make any sense.

Why do You need to try it?
We teach how to accept, respect and love your body and experience everything that it gives you while feeling sexy. Pole dancing is a perfect tool for this, and your confidence will grow with every lesson.
Here, you can be wild, flirty, cute, kinky, sexy, whatever you want to be! Nobody will judge you here, your age or looks don't matter!
And in case you are worried about that: You don't even need any previous experience to start pole dancing!


i think i will never dance on my own but i will enjoy watching.

Mhh Im curious what you could learn me @ the pole ;-) :-)
Picture is very nice, and super those high heels!

This blog is mainly for women who's are unsure about to try pole dancing.:-)

There were several pole-dancing studios in Denver, when I lived there... All my burlesque friends take classes... Maybe to play at Burning Man? LOL...

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