Ten things to give up to lead a happier life next year.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #hot7 years ago (edited)


December will end slowly and as we say, a new year a new life!
Then we gradually realize nothing has changed and we went back on the merry-go-round. We hurry, we fluster, and life just goes past us, and again we can't have quality time or live through moments we just can't relax and be free.

Let these ten things go, and you'll see happiness will fill your everyday life instead of stress. You shouldn't expect an immediate, and complete transformation, but gradually you will have more of the happier moments.

Ask yourself the question: are the things you are doing help you get closer to your goals. Are you feeling better, healthier and happier because of the hundredth game on your phone, your constant internet presence, so that you won't miss out on anything on facebook and twitter, or the video games? Don't worry, everybody has some form of a time-wasting activity...and every one of us should give those up.

Social media jealousy
I'm pretty sure you know the feeling. Social media helps you connect with close or far away friends, but unfortunately, this is not the only reason people are using these platforms. As you browse through other people's pages sometimes you feel envy because their life might seem better, they might look better, or it looks like they have more free-time. You feel some sort of jealousy or sometimes even pity because some people want you to feel that.
None of those things are too constructive for you so better let them go. Find beauty in everyday life not in a new filter. Don't go for more likes they shouldn't be the measure of your success.
Try to exist in real life.

The false belief that you must be a healthy life addict to be genuinely healthy.
It can put a lot of pressure on us when everything revolves around fitness, healthy lifestyle and everybody is thinking more about their looks and health than ever.
Just because now and then you eat a slice of cake, or you start your day with a coffee and finish it with a glass of wine doesn't mean you are less healthy. Take small steps and don't let training and diet take over your days. It's frustrating for you and the people around you. ‘Health-addiction' is an addiction as well so you should quit.

Morning messages
A lot of times as soon as we get up (or we might not even get out of bed) we start checking our online messages. Our day begins with stress and pressure we are already thinking about what we have to do to get through it. Try to start your day with positive thoughts and optimistic plans. Drink a nice cup of tea or coffee in bed, plan your day in the most positive way possible so you will start it with more energy and hope.

Don't focus on negativity. More you talk about things that don't work more you get stuck in a downward spiral. Try not to complain and look less dissatisfied, don't keep stressing yourself out thinking about things that you don't like. If you talk about your problems, try to seem optimistic and realize this will not last forever.

Mulling over bad things
Negativity breeds negativity. The more negative thoughts you have, the longer it will take to leave them behind. Try quitting this habit and use positive reassurances to knock the negatives out of your life.

Past and present
The past is history the future is a mystery as they say. If you think about it, this can make our life very bitter. We either feel guilty about the past, thinking how we could've acted differently, or we worry about the future. If you can live more in the present and concentrate on the now you will get the most out of your day and you will be more carefree and happier.

Your image
Everybody is trying to be perfect. They put a massive amount of pressure on and restrict themselves, a lot of people try to seem different from what they are. Free yourself and don't worry about what other people think of you all the time. Don't let your looks, your age or your work constrain you, don't live your life to please others. Be yourself, be true, be original.

External factors for happiness
I'm sure you've been told (maybe even by yourself) that you will be happier if you are skinnier/have more free time/a relationship/a job, etc. What a waste of time! Your happiness can't depend on external issues, try to find it within yourself.


The year 2017 will end soon, but a lot of people are still immersed in it. It's utterly pointless to keep thinking about what happened, what sort of mistakes you made, what bad habits you had. A new year is coming and a new life and new possibilities with it. You will start next year with a blank notebook it only depends on you what you write in it.
It might end up as a bestseller!


And one thing you never should give up:


Thank you! It sounds good!💋😘🙋

watch my Video thankz and merry Christmas.

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gamsa habnida 감사 합니다. . Thanks :) ^^
gomawur 고마워 Thanks :) ^^

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