Haunted House

in #horrorstory2 years ago

Chapter 1: The Unusual Indents

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Samantha had always dreamed of owning her own home. So, when she stumbled upon a beautiful Victorian house on a real estate website, she knew she had to have it. The price was unbeatable, and the location was perfect. She didn't hesitate to put in an offer and soon enough, the house was hers.

As she moved in, she couldn't help but notice some strange indentations on the walls and floors. They were as if someone had taken a hammer and repeatedly hit the same spot. She shrugged it off, thinking it was just the previous owners being careless.

But as the days went on, the indentations seemed to multiply. They were everywhere, on every wall and every floor. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about this house. So, she decided to do some research on the previous owners.

To her horror, she discovered that the previous family of five had died mysteriously in the house. The cause of death was never determined, but it was suspected to be a gas leak. But something didn't add up. If it was a gas leak, why were there strange indentations all over the house?

Samantha couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. She was convinced that there was something unnatural and evil about this house. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she needed to find out the truth about what happened to the previous family before it was too late.

The night was fall and she had to sleep alone in the house, all the strange indentations on the walls and floors looked like they were alive, moving in the shadows. She felt her heart pounding and her breathing became shallow, she couldn't sleep. Suddenly, she heard a noise coming from the basement, she was too scared to move, but she knew she had to investigate. Slowly she got up from the bed and went to the basement, she opened the door, but there was no one there, she felt a cold breeze coming from the window, she went to close it and she saw something that made her blood run cold. She saw a handprint in the window, it was a child's handprint. She was too scared to stay in the house any longer, she packed her bags and left the house behind, never looking back.

Samantha never knew what happened to the previous family or what caused the strange indentations in the house, but she knew she never wanted to find out. She was just happy to be away from that place, and she knew deep down that she had made the right decision.

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