
I've bounced some ideas off of my friends and we came up with a bunch of cool ideas about where to take it. I've never attempted to write a full story of any significant length, let alone a novel, but I think it might be a cool personal challenge for this year! Maybe it would be utter crap, but I doubt most people's first tries are all that great.

I'm still trying to edit my first one. My novella was easier to write because I treated each chapter as a scene. I'm back to my second novel; I have the characters and the plot. Now, I just need to write. I started on it a few years back and it stalled. I started reading my first few chapters and realized I was "telling" instead of "showing." The first few chapters came out more like background information. So now, I'm rewriting those first chapters and looking for more "showing" description. The stuff I wrote is useful, but only for me to keep track of the story plot. Anyway, I'm going to finish it this year and then work on my idea for the LA Farmers Market. I have a great character; now I just need to clean up some of the plot.

You just indirectly gave me some really good advice, actually, because I definitely would have written the first few chapters as telling and not showing. Thank you :)

I'm glad I helped. That is something I struggle with a lot of the time. That and forgetting to add details to descriptions. It's a learning process. ;-)

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