The back seat killer

in #horror6 years ago


The Back Seat Killer

We have all herd the story of that back seat killer, However the story differs depending on what part of the world you are from.
The story goes that while travelling down a country road, you pull into a gas station and while there filling up the car you see another person whom is also filling there car. Then all off a sudden you see it, There in the corner of your eye. A person that is trying to hide in this other person car. A black shadow, you can not make out his features at all. You go up to this person but they don't want any part off you, they don't even want to listen to what you have to say. They only other action you could do to save this woman's life is to chase after her and let her know what is happening but no it is no good. She will not stop.

Well in this case I can not believe I am telling you this but I did come face to face with this situation and this is how I will tell you.

I was on my way from a friends party I was at the night before, the party was great but I am not here to tell you about that. It was 12 at midnight and I was on this long stretch of road. The road seemed like it had came out of hell, bare tree's either side, A mist seemed to weave through the tree's and now and again you would be seeing eye's hiding behind these tree's.

However looking down to see what speed I was doing I noticed that I had forgot to fill up and was quickly starting to run out of gas. Oh no, I can not break down here I thought to myself while looking ahead to see if there was any sign of lights that could indicate a small village with a gas station or maybe even a gas station itself.

It seemed like I was doomed and had to walk the longest loneliest walk of my life, just to get some gas. However the car seemed to keep on going and with lady luck on my side, I spotted a gas station just a few miles ahead of me. It seemed like hours but in theory only 30 minutes had past.

Now with my luck starting to look up, I headed for the gas station, willing my car not to break down, well at least not until I am very near it. I was jumping for joy as I pulled up into the station. I embraced the lights on the forecourt, I had just spent the last 2 hours in pitch darkness after all.

While looking around there seemed to be only three people here, Myself, a gorgeous blonde woman and off course the attendant waiting for me to start filling my car. I looked over at the woman with curiosity, she looked quite tired, must have been a long drive for her I thought to myself. Then looking back to the attendant, he seemed to be delighting in a magazine off some sorts. I looked back to the pump as I didn't want to spend the money I didn't have.

While watching the counter on the pump, something caught my attention in the corner off my eye, brushing it off as a bug or something I continued to fill up my car but yet again, I get that same image from the corner of my eye's. I took my finger off the trigger and looked around to see if there was anything new I did not notice but no, I turned my gaze back to the pump but just before my eyes caught the screen, then I did notice it as a dark chill ran down my spine.

I watched in horror as I saw a man in a dark cloak pop up his head to examine his surroundings, looking closer at him he seemed to have some sort of sharp object in his hand. I kept an eye on him as he kept looking around, I was surprised that he did not spot me yet.

Now having a bad feeling in my gut, I knew I had to do something and something quick before it was too late for the woman driving. I managed to finish filling up my car all while watching this man in the woman's car. Looking into the station I could see her wondering around looking for items that she could possibly eat or drink.

Watching the woman to see if she noticed this dark shadow in her car, I made my way into the store, I went from isle to isle looking for the woman just so I can warn her off her impending doom that could soon to be. I can to the isle with all the snacks and see her there pondering over what sandwich she wanted to eat, I make my way to her as she gazes upon me with cautious eyes. I walked up to the cautious lady and just as I was about to speak she told me to leave her alone and ran to the checkout to pay for her snacks and fuel.

Knowing that I full control off her life in my hand, I could never forgive myself if any harm had come to her. I paced over to the checkout counter and payed for my fuel. Just as I opened the shop door to step foot outside, the mysterious lady rushes off leaving a skid trail behind her. Don't give up now I herd in my head. I quickly got into my car and decided to give chase.

We are both now speeding now this dark country road with not even another soul about, I saw the shadow creep up upon her like a wolf to his pray, I decided the only course of action I could do was to shine my main headlights and hope that would be enough to stop this dark creature that was in the back seat. Great I thought to myself as quickly disappeared into the darkness of the woman's car. This however had a negative effect on the woman as she started to gain speed and distance the gap between us.

I speed up to match the woman's speed and yet again, the dark creature pops up upon his pray, again I shine my lights. I decided enough is enough and get right on the phone to the police. I tell them what road I am on, the colour of the car I am chasing and also the reg number. I get told the police are on the way and to keep chasing the woman to try and keep her safe. I really hope that I can I thought to myself.

45 mins have now past as I first started this chase with no sign of the woman wanting to stop, I didn't blame her really, I mean I would not stop for a stranger either. I knew to myself that I had to stop the creature from having his way so I continued to follow her while also giving directions to the police.

Hope came as I started to see street lights, Now I didn't have to flash my lights to make this creature disappear from sight. Now we seem to be in a suburban area, seemed like a nice place, would love to live here one day I thought to myself. I shook off the thought, hope came as I see her now on her phone, I hope she is on to the police I thought. I gave the police the street name and house number as she pulled into A house.

As I pulled up behind her, police surrounded her car, they all got out with guns pulled and trained on the back seat of her car. The colour drained from her face as she looked into her rear mirror and saw this man with his hands up. I have never seen anyone get out of there car as fast as she did, I went to one off the officers to explain my story. When finished the officer told me that I was very lucky I was there and saw what I did and chased her down.

I looked at her as she was sobbing in her partners arms, she comes over to me and breaks down as she thanks me for not giving up on chasing her. Her partner shakes my hand and thanks me, he invites me in for a drink and we discuss on how I first noticed what was happening in her car.

This does however brings a lesson to sight, whenever you leave you car open and parked up then always check the back seat, If you do not then you could find yourself another victim off, The back seat killer.

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