
The horses should eat some chicken?

hahaha. Also, any man would be scared if he forgot to pick his wife up. Imagine someone who forgot for a few decades. He would surely be shivering with fear, irrespective of the horses eating each other or not :D

Oh my god you are hilarious!!! Maybe you can re-write it as a comedy! My husbands ending - i have to tell you - was:

'And then the barman said: 'Hey Horses, why the long faces?'

It's great to be taken seriously as a writer hahahahaha

Hahaha. I think i heard that joke for the first time in the 12 century BC :p

I have never bothered reading horror, not my genre. But i did try writing a piece:

You can check it out and know for sure that there are people in this universe who are a bazillion times worse than you at writing horror!

PS: Not fishing for upvotes, since that post is already paid out!

I know right? I wanted to throw my shoe at him. Um - are you implying that I am really bad at writing horror!!! Hahahaha...It's not really my genre either, but I really like the Australian Gothic, and I wrote of those recently - go have a look, if it's less than 7 days old, upvote me or I'll post another picture of Jamie's butt.

Your story was hilarious.

Read it. Loved it. Upvoted it. Commented on it. Please, please, please no more butt pics :D

Ahaha only if you give me your firstborn son.

If the mother of my firstborn manages to find me, then i am in deep shit!

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