Inside the Company: Chapter 2: Mr. Green

in #horror6 years ago (edited)

Blackness. That is all I remember. I closed my eyes to blink for a split second and I woke up here. It felt as if time was stopped and I was moved in that stopped time. I don’t remember anything between the police station and reaching … wherever this is.

Waking up in a strange room is often a red flag that would lead to panic. However, I felt strangely calm. It was like seeing an old relative after a long absence. You would feel somewhat comfortable with them as they are a relative but due to the sheer time that has passed, you would feel a certain tinge of uneasiness.

The room I was in was white and very sterile. There were no smells and no distinct sounds other than a very soft humming. The humming sounded like a very soft engine being left on idle. The walls seemed to have no edges with how white everything was. “Am I dead?” I found myself thinking.

The room was very simple, a lone white bed with white sheets and a white sink with white coloured soap in a dispenser. Everything was white.

Everything WAS white. I looked around. No doors. No windows. That was when I started feeling more disorientated. The world around began to spin but I knew I was standing still. I felt the urge to vomit as I began to feel a wave of claustrophobia. This room was suffocating. I felt the air get stale quickly as there seemed to be no ventilation.

“Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?”

I shouted and banged on the walls. But nobody came.

I sat on the bed, it felt strangely comfortable. The fabric was soft, unnaturally so. It felt like I was sitting on a cloud wrapped in a puppy’s fur coat. I started to calm down as I focused my breath.

I guess I just had to wait. Well, waiting is all I could do. Without any clock or any other way to notice the passing time, this wait felt unnaturally long. What should have been seconds felt like hours. Or was it my hours feeling like seconds? I couldn’t tell. All I could tell was that time was slipping away and I felt calm. Why did I feel calm? It was as if this room exuded an aura that soothed me. Whenever I get riled up from the anxiety of being in a strange place, I return to my normal relaxed state. My heartrate would slow down rapidly to resting whenever it rose.

Suddenly, I heard a click. My eyes widened. It was the first sound I’ve heard in what felt like an eternity. I stood up and rushed to the source of the sound; the wall closest to the sink. Then, I saw edges begin to form on the wall and those edges formed a door.

I felt my heartbeat rise despite the room’s ability to suppress it. My heart was desperately thumping in my chest. It felt like a dying animal wrapped in a boa constrictor. I felt both joy and the possibility of being saved and fear at the possibility of whatever that could have been behind that door. Then, blackness. Again.

Then, white light flooded my eyes as I found myself in another white room, sterile as the last. This time, I was in a chair next to a white table. The table felt like marble when I touched it. Smooth. Clean. Perfect.

“Are you done admiring our furniture, Mr. Macready?”

I looked up and saw that right in front of me was a man in a suit with a green tie. He has a distinguished look to him with wrinkles on his face and slicked-back black hair peppered with grey. He held a tablet of sorts and a stylus. I tried to take a peek at the tablet but I couldn’t see anything, it seemed to be blank.

“Shall we get down to business?”


“Well, yes. You see, you are a subject of an Entity.”

“An entity? What the hell is that? Who the hell are you? What the hell is going on?” I shouted flapping my arms about.

“Remember your man in the mirror? Oh yes, the man in the mirror that is a good name for him.”

“That horrifying abomination? I wish I could forget.”

“Well, yes. I am from an organisation that for your sake shall only be known as The Company. We are collecting instances of supernatural activity.”


“I am sorry but that isn’t within your security clearance.”

“Why not?”

“Well, you see. Much like your Man in the Mirror, there are other Entities that have powers. Some of those powers may include mind reading. In which case, having Company secrets in your noggin may prove rather dangerous for us.”

“I don’t even know who you are.”

He smiled as he pointed to his green coloured tie.

“You can call me Mr. Green. I am one of the founders of The Company.”

“A founder? Wow, I must be special then.”

“Why yes. You are. You are special, my boy. That’s why you are here.”

I tried getting up. Mr. Green looked at me and his eyes began to glow green.

“Sit.” I felt that one word vibrate through my entire body and I felt compelled to sit back down. It was as if there were weights dragging me back to the chair but it didn’t feel like I was being forced to sit. I just felt like I wanted to.

“Now, we can’t have you going off now. For your sake. There are other groups out there that would be more than happy to pick you apart and kill you for no real reason. Your safety is one of our priorities here. So, don’t worry.”

Safety is one of your priorities? I somehow find that hard to believe.

He pulled out my phone from his pocket and placed in on the table.

“We aren’t savages so here have your phone. You may continue to write about your experiences here and share it with the world. However, we will be keeping a close eye on what you write, to ensure that there is nothing too damning in your posts.”

I smiled. At least there will be something normal here. Some normalcy in this otherwise foreign place would definitely keep me sane.

“Alright, now to more proper business. Since I believe that you are more than satisfied to work with us. Here at the Company, we run tests to see what happens when we put two or more Entities together. This helps us understand the Entity Phenomenon and how to appropriately contain the Entity. There are cases of Entities even living on after their host or subject dies.
There was an entity that lived in the woods in the United States. His ability was to make any photo that took a picture of him look blurry and distorted. Then, this blurry distortion would begin to haunt the dreams of anyone who saw the photo. Eventually, the nightmares would chip away at the sanity of those afflicted. This would often lead to suicide. After the host of the Entity was found dead after being killed by a hunter, we found that the photo still had its effects.”

So, I shook his hand and I agreed to his terms. In exchange for agreeing to his terms, I am allowed to move around the Brig, the facility I was contained in. I will be honest. I still don’t trust them but I would rather have a comfortable life here if they are going to imprison me anyway.

Now all I can do here is wait for my next instructions. I definitely would love any advice that would help me out here. I am not even really sure what to look out for... Should I even consider escaping? Why can’t I remember my life before the Man in the Mirror? I guess those are questions for another day.

Once again, this is the writer's notes out of character section. This was a fun one to write and will serve as a buffer before we get into the really spooky stuff next. Well, that depends on the advice Michael receives from the comments.

You, the reader, are a character in this story. In what I call "Interactive Writing", you are encouraged to participate in the story. How? You may ask. Well, like I said earlier, you are a character in this story. You may not be directly referenced individually in the story but the main character will respond to your comments (or rather me, as the writer, will be responding as the main character). Your comments WILL influence the outcome of the story in one way or another. Be careful, you may accidentally kill the main character, in which case, the season ends and after that... Well, we'll keep that a surprise for now.

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Adoi, suspenseful! Faster faster.. when chapter 3 coming out? :|

Chapter 3 will come out soon ;)

Is there a library or a resource centre or a computer we can do some research about the Companny and these entities the green tie bugger talked about?

Michael Macready: I will see if they have a computer or a library that I can have access to. Although I doubt there'd be no password protection, it is worth a shot right? Anything, you'd recommend I keep an eye out for should I get access to something like this?

Congratulations on the curie vote! As I've been saying this is an excellently written series :) And the plot thickens. This part 2 seems to be the calm before the storm. Looking forward to the upcoming spooky bits. Cheers.

Holy cow! Thanks

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