The Headless Man, Base on a real experience but not my personal experience.

in #horror8 years ago

The Headless Man

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Now, have you seen Harry Potter? Do you remember the ghost, name Sir Nicholas, or Nini headless that's what Hermione calls him. And that's what our story related about.

One family have called the minister to prayed for their house. When the minister asked them why, they said that they have been seeing strange creatures inside their home. And this is one of those stories that their mother told.

Sometimes, I cooked in the kitchen. After I cooked and prepared the food, I should have call the family to eat in the dining room. Before I even called any single name, I noticed that there have been already first in the chair sitting. One with a white gown . . . but no head. I was very very scared!

And also sometimes I was sweeping in the yard. And of course I have to sweep those leaves that scattered in there. Just as after I removed the leaves suddenly I saw a cut hands in the ground. But it is not a dead hands. It's moving and freely "walked" away from me.

After the minister heared the stories, a flashback of some horror movies or cartoon show (i.e., Addam's Family) that's have been watched. Isn't there such same horror creatures, like this headless and broken hand? Is it possible that many of the horror movies that we see actually get their inspiration and materials from real life? Do you think so?

Then the minister started to asked about the house that they were living in. Then he asked if they know the history of the land which were their house is built. And they gave a quite lecture on its history: They said that the whole area before was turn out to be a dumping site of dead bodies of comfort women who's been killed by the Japanese soldier in World War II.

Then the minister knew then whose the culprit. It was not a sin of the family that was the problem. Rather, it was the rape, murder and many other sins done on the land that the demons were holding on to. This also explain why it was not a localized problem; it was manifestation that was going on in the community.

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Some of those families have their own stories to tell and different neighbor's that there's a headless and broken hand display unto them. Always remember that demons can only live and thrive in a place where there is sin. Sin is a welcome mat to demons.

Just like the ghost, the headless that they have seen is not a soul of a person that was already dead. It is a demon pretending to be human, dwelling in that place because of the sin of rape and murder done there. This is also the explanation of the white lady that was seen in the other place. The hand that crawls alone is a demon that manifest the hand to cause fear on the residents.

So, what was the solution to this problem? As always, we need to repent to the sins to which the demon spirits have attached itself --- in this case, rape and murder --- in behalf of those who did these things. I asked the residents to ask forgiveness in behalf of the land. And they pray a prayer that went something like this.

"Lord Jesus, in behalf of those who committed the sins of rape and murder, we asked for your forgiveness. Wash our land with the blood of Jesus.

Those spirits that's related to the headless and broken hand, we command you to get out of this land. This land belongs to Jesus. For the earth is the Lord's and everything in it (Psalm 24:1). We redeem this land in Jesus' name. Amen.

Just like also on how to redeem the house if there is a ghost, they anoint the house of oil and they also speak blessings of peace, love, joy and salvation. And also according to their story, hereafter that there is no more display or appearances of headless and broken hand in their house. Thank you Lord.

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