June 14, 2018 HOROSCOPES Venus squares Uranus, be careful not to be reactive or impulsive, with love or money. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

in #horoscopes6 years ago


June 14, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel
Venus squares Uranus, be careful not to be reactive or impulsive, with love or money.
To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19
You can make money, Aries, but with the influence of Uranus, you want to be careful not check the details rather than rush in. Let someone else do all the talking for a while to see where he or she stands. It will give you a chance to evaluate whether it is a good situation for you, or not. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
As Uranus sits in your opposite sign, a sensitive interaction with someone at home or someone close can take place now. Let your guard down and try not to have any preconceived ideas about what you will and won’t accept. Have an open mind and heart and see what transpires. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
With a cluster of planets and astral influences sitting in your sign, this is a perfect time to use the energy to get your affairs in order. Make decisions and put plans in place. If you act now you will avoid having to revisit the same situations later on. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
Whatever you do in life, it is crucial for you to pay attention to your intuition and trust it. When you learn to do this, even though you may not always have the facts in front of you in black and white, you will be able to rely upon that knowing feeling. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
A candid discussion with a co-worker can set things right. If recent circumstances caused you to review your relationship with someone, the planetary influences in your social and friendship, as well as your work and career area of life can help you revisit a situation. This way, you can gain closure, if needed. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
We spend so much time with colleagues at work that they become like a second family. But if you are in charge of evaluating people's performances or have a supervisory role, don't get overly friendly; it can weaken your position. Stay focused on the job at hand. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
To keep relations at an even keel between you and a partner, or a co-worker, have an honest discussion. With energy influencing both your work and home life area of life, you could feel restless. As an air sign, you need time to yourself to think through your game plan. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
If you're looking for love, you’re in luck, Uranus and Venus encourage you to enjoy the more sensitive side of your soul. It is not always possible, or advisable, to have control over your personal life as you do with business. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
Be wary of discussing a sensitive money matter during this time with the changeable energy of the Moon now in the financial area of your star-chart. At this time, your intuitive skills can help you weigh up your next move, so you can get ahead of the crowd. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
Too many things now need your attention; so, don't get distracted and let a business opportunity slip through your fingers. You must be present to steer it in the right direction. As opportunities arise, life's pressures increase, and so can stress. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
If your personal life is taking up most of your attention, then go with it, for now. When love knocks on your heart, you want to give it your full attention. But you do have responsibilities; so try to adopt an attitude of having balance. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20
Now's a great time to get your affairs in order at your home base or with family. With an abundance of planetary placements and activity in this area you can have a heart-to-heart discussion to set things straight with someone. The energy is perfect for sensitive relations. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.

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