July 27, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel With a potent Lunar eclipse in Aquarius, expect the unexpected.

in #horoscopes6 years ago


July 27, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel
With a potent Lunar eclipse in Aquarius, expect the unexpected.

An intuitive astrology session can reveal insights and answers.
Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19
As business is often mixed with personal associations, they can blend, and these relationships become invaluable throughout your life, but rarely without some challenge to undergo. And aright now with the lunar eclipse in your area of connections, try not to overreact with a situation and keep in mind that all things do come to pass.
Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
Lunar eclipse energy in your career zone, along with assertive and sometimes aggressive Mars, can indicate tension with someone you work with that can also put pressure and tension on your home life. Be true to you, Taurus, but try to do it in a way that doesn’t cause a rift between you and another.
Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
If you want to change your life, use this time to clear out the clutter in your mind. It may be time for a major life purge, on a physical as well as on an emotional level. The influence of the lunar eclipse can help out you back on the right path. Pay attention to the sign posts along your journey of life and follow them. When you eliminate unnecessary people and situations from your life, your next steps become clear.
Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
As the Moon and Mars are both opposite the Sun and the potent energy of the lunar eclipse, be careful not to overreact with someone who has control of the purse strings. An emotional response is rarely good. Take a step back and find a way to turn a tricky situation around to your favor.
Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
Not everything in life will come together when you want or expect. New ideas and avenues of possibilities for the future begin with what you think and do today. And with a lunar eclipse in your opposite sign, the area of relationships, it’s wise to keep the big picture in mind. The feeling of being out of control can be unsettling, but sometimes, the best form of action is inaction.
Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
You may need to negotiate the best business deal for yourself but do it without being aggressive. This is particularly good advice right now as there is a lunar eclipse and Mars in your work zone. Take time to think it through thoroughly. Life is full of choices so be careful not to make a rash decision.
Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
With the influence of a lunar eclipse, this is a wise time to rethink your associations, who you deal with, who works with you and who gives you grief. You can meet new people now, but in doing so, keep in mind there is only so much time in each day, and something or someone may have to take a back seat in your day planner.
Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
If a family situation has not panned out the way you expected, then accept the outcome, for now. With the lunar eclipse and Mars both in this area of your chart, a discussion can get out of hand quickly. For now, it can be more powerful to be a spectator, and that way you can see where everyone stands.
Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
To solve a dilemma and find a solution to a situation it may need to be shared with others so they, too, can understand the process you decide to take. However, with the presence of a lunar eclipse and Mars in your area of communication, be prepared to explain why you believe your way is the best way. Be communicative, and layout your plans in plain English.

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
If you have concerns about a financial matter, then with the influence of the lunar eclipse can bring things to a head, and it’s important not to do anything rash. Certainly, think through your options, but everything may not be totally settled, there could be more to come. And what comes next can be better than what comes to pass.
Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
When things are up in the air, wait for the pieces to fall into place. It would seem right now with a lunar eclipse in your sign that your life can change on some level, and although the uncertainty can be unsettling, what comes out of this period can actually be very good. Have faith and patience.
Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20
Be careful not to be inflexible when someone wants you to conform to their method of doing a task, especially if it’s a loved one or close work colleague. A new procedure could work out to be more productive. With a little effort, it could be better than imagined, and more workable for all concerned.

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