Daily horoscope for the day May 18, 2022

in #horoscope2 years ago

May 18, 2022



Mar 21 - Apr 20

  • Mood: Accomplished
  • Lucky Time: 10pm
  • Description: A certain someone you're just fascinated with is acting a little too detached for your tastes. It might be tempting to throw a tantrum to get a reaction, but aren't you above all that? You're the lion. Stalk off proudly.
  • Lucky Color: Purple
  • Sign Compatability: Pisces
  • Lucky Number: 8



Apr 21 - May 20

  • Mood: Thoughtful
  • Lucky Time: 6am
  • Description: You'll greet everyone with the same enthusiasm and warmth that others reserve for lifelong friends. That's nothing new for you, but it may be for them. Go easy. Don't scare off a new friend.
  • Lucky Color: Gold
  • Sign Compatability: Virgo
  • Lucky Number: 21



May 21 - Jun 21

  • Mood: Innocent
  • Lucky Time: 11pm
  • Description: If you've been stewing about something, you can expect it to emerge now in rather unceremonious style. Think of yourself as a pressure cooker, and make sure the area is clear of innocent bystanders before you blow.
  • Lucky Color: Orchid
  • Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
  • Lucky Number: 56



Jun 22 - Jul 22

  • Mood: Determined
  • Lucky Time: 6pm
  • Description: An entirely new approach to a totally routine task will suddenly cross your mind, bringing with it the splendid knowledge that you're really not tied to your desk after all. Put it in motion, and take off early.
  • Lucky Color: Orchid
  • Sign Compatability: Pisces
  • Lucky Number: 89



Jul 23 - Aug 22

  • Mood: Cautious
  • Lucky Time: 5pm
  • Description: If it sounds too good to be true, keep in mind that it just might be. Don't trust anyone's words, especially if you don't know them and they have something to gain. Listen to the voice of your intuition.
  • Lucky Color: Peach
  • Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
  • Lucky Number: 85



Aug 23 - Sep 22

  • Mood: Relaxed
  • Lucky Time: 10am
  • Description: You can relax now -- or at least stop working. You've been diligent, meticulous and dutiful for long enough. Call someone who sparks your dazzling wit just by showing up, and spend some time with them. Lots of it.
  • Lucky Color: Navy Blue
  • Sign Compatability: Libra
  • Lucky Number: 98



Sep 23 - Oct 22

  • Mood: Hot
  • Lucky Time: 10am
  • Description: Your love life hasn't been what anyone could ever call 'boring' in years, but you're due to have just one more 'interesting' new person cross your path. Prepare yourself. The hits just keep on coming, don't they?
  • Lucky Color: Navy Blue
  • Sign Compatability: Scorpio
  • Lucky Number: 76



Oct 23 - Nov 22

  • Mood: Hopeful
  • Lucky Time: 2pm
  • Description: Your laughter, your ideas and the very sound of your voice will be absolutely inspirational to others. Now that you know, use this gift wisely. Rally those around you to do the right thing.
  • Lucky Color: Gold
  • Sign Compatability: Aries
  • Lucky Number: 43



Nov 23 - Dec 21

  • Mood: Persuade
  • Lucky Time: 7am
  • Description: It's not you. They really are being amazingly aloof. What to do about it? Give them just one look and their heart will melt. Practice in front of a mirror if you need to.
  • Lucky Color: Teal
  • Sign Compatability: Pisces
  • Lucky Number: 20



Dec 22 - Jan 19

  • Mood: Successful
  • Lucky Time: 8am
  • Description: You'll be quite pleased with yourself, and well you should be. Your self-control and ability to handle even the toughest situations has brought you through some truly tricky moments.
  • Lucky Color: Silver
  • Sign Compatability: Scorpio
  • Lucky Number: 76



Jan 20 - Feb 18

  • Mood: Accomplished
  • Lucky Time: 4am
  • Description: The turmoil and drama of recent events will fade, and your life will suddenly be grounded, stable and secure. There. Now take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back and allow yourself to enjoy what you've accomplished.
  • Lucky Color: Purple
  • Sign Compatability: Leo
  • Lucky Number: 10



Feb 19 - Mar 20

  • Mood: Crazy
  • Lucky Time: 7pm
  • Description: Feeling rebellious isn't anything new for you, but feeling so rebellious that you want to break away from everything that you hold dear? That's different. Better take a few minutes to think it over before you burn all those bridges.
  • Lucky Color: Orange
  • Sign Compatability: Libra
  • Lucky Number: 65

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