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RE: Hook 'Em Up! : [#013]

in #hookemup6 years ago

@penderis!!! I love this!! Thank you so much for taking care of this for me this week. I apologize for throwing this on you last minute but you did a fabulous job on "where are they now" hookemup!! I appreciate your help so much not only for this but everything else you've helped me with and taught me!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Only 5 stars out of a hundred. There is no pleasing people these days. haha.

Shoot that was the catch phrase I wanted to use, I forget, I was going to use The Ancient Ones but remembered Jeremy and Lyme are still quite young 🙊

No problem with helping , it works in my favour, now at least I don't have to whip myself for not posting on my own account. Silver linings are all the rage.

what in the hell is this supposed to mean??????

I was going to use The Ancient Ones but remembered Jeremy and Lyme are still quite young

is he calling me old, @monchhichi23?????

Hmmm I am not touching this one with a 10 foot pole.. this is between you and @penderis!! I'm not saying he's calling you old because if he's calling you old then he's calling me old and I really don't want to have to punch him in the throat.

Now thats 105 stars total for you!!

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