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RE: HK murder suspect is forced to be free and cant turn him self in

in #hongkong5 years ago

The protests are very suspicious. Why did the population got so angry because a criminal would be extradited? It makes no sense. Are people in Hong Kong in favour of murder?


that the murder goes unpunished despite the murderer asking for it is tragic, but this is just the excuse of the government for the law... the pro beijing government has direct orders from beijing to increase the influence of china in hong kong... this was made very clear in Lam's audio leak where she explained that the chinese government would not allow her to resign despite her thinking that going against all of hong kong is unacceptable...

china tries its best to also influence elections and some people who practice free speech have been kidnapped also from within hongkong to china (such as a book shop owner who sold copies of a banned book about mao zhedong)... apple and other american cooperations enable china do censorship in hongkong by asking apple to ban certain apps in hongkong and taiwan for example (despite china having no say in this matter and this act by apple is illegal)... if people can be jailed for over 5 years in hongkong for simply protesting, they can be extradited to do so... the protestors are facing in the end more punishment than the murderer... china should wait another 30 years before it is allowed to gain control and interfere in hong kongs autonomy (according to the treaty with UK about colonial handover)... its the freedom in the future that is at stake, as china subtelly tightens its grip over hong kong... during the protests the elderly that were interviewed stated they have no reason to protest of them self as they will be dead in 30 years but they protest for the young

"that the murder goes unpunished despite the murderer asking for it is tragic, but this is just the excuse of the government for the law"

But not changing the law will allow anyone to commit crimes like this. Why doesn't the people want the law to change? It seems like a very stupid law right now.

it is a stupid law... if i commit a murder anywhere then in germany i could be brought to justice... it would have sucked even more for hong kong if similar to germany they had a lot of citizen going to fight with ISIS and they could not trial them at home (which is possible in germany as long as they can find out what specific crimes are commited)...

but the laws could be made to broaden the area of violation... instead they opt for an extradition treaty so they can target hong kong protestors... democracy and freedom of expression and protest in hong kong is here at stake

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