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RE: More Allegations & Arrest Begin To Emerge After Six Month HongKong Protest

in #hongkong5 years ago

Already, one University Student in HongKong had also died in similar incident in the hands of protesters.

Where are you getting your news from or are you making up all this shit? I follow the news every day and have not heard of one single incident where a university student was killed by protester. Clarify your source otherwise stop spreading false news


Please don't pretend as if you have not seen what I share here. I gave the detailed covering this news. This is just a summary of what I read. By then, the main point I was trying to put I across was base on the police arrest of these five protesters who have been alleged haven involved in the death of the 70 years old man. This news was talking about that man, making reference of the similar incidence of that 22year "Alex Chow's" during the clash by the police and the protesters. Please!, I had never given false information or putting dust in my followers eyes base on these news that I'm sharing here. Note!, this isn't a shit as you referred it to be. Even that University student news coverage, the head line is just a subset of this news I shared here, and, besides if I'm wrong here proof me out: "Is't where I took this information from which is wrong?" or what're trying to say? Please, I have all the details and pictures in relation to that news if you want it. But I don't know if you couldn't see, because I gave you link covering the details of this news in the latter part of this post.

You can have it here:


In a day, I probably read more about the Hong Kong protest from all newspapers, from FB, Twitter, YouTube, IG, LIHKG, from speaking to my friends and family first hand experience, in English and Chinese, as well as the propaganda shit China is sending out, and all this probably amounts to more than what you read on Steemit. So don't tell me I pretend I don't see things.

Perhaps you can tell me, how did Alex Chow die "in similar incident in the hands of protesters" as you wrote in your post? What were the circumstances of his death? Where were the protesters when Alex fell? How were the protesters involved in his fall? How exactly did Alex die in the hands of the protesters?

This is not the only time you have included the wrong facts in your post about the Hong Kong protest. If you want to write about a topic, it helps to know the facts and understand it, instead of just rewriting an article you have read and getting it all wrong.

Please!, please!!, and please!!!, stop painting me black! I have always been giving credits to where I pick my news about this protests in Hong Kong. You can go through all my posts, where I didn't give recognitions to my source of info, you can downvote me. For we those who aren't living in Hong Kong but share news in Steem Blockcahin, let me ask you, where do we get our source of info? Isn't the news we read from media, and also try to make our facts? If you are lucky to have your families and friends in Hong Kong, thank God. But that doesn't mean that you know more. Everybody is bound to make mistake. If only one reason or the other, one has made mistake that doesn't mean that you can say what you like. After all, "Steem Cleaners" are monitoring every content we share here in Steem, are you saying that they did not see this post to be irrelevant? You can go ahead to downvote my content rather than aguing on this post. I don't care what you want to do. Thank you!

I'm not interested in downvoting you because clearly you don't know what the issue is. You don't know the facts and you make statements that are untrue and have no basis. You still can't explain why you wrote:

Already, one University Student in HongKong had also died in similar incident in the hands of protesters.

Where is the source of that information? Why are saying that Alex Chow died in the hands of protestors? Why are you implicating the protestors as murderers?


You are attempting to interact with a fanatic. She doesn't care about the truth, only those "facts" that support the narrative that the brave freedom-fighters in Hong Kong are being "persecuted" by the evil, totalitarian police force. Engaging with these fanatics ranting about cosmic justice will only net you harassment.

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