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RE: Are the police working with the triads in Hong Kong? 香港警察跟黑社會勾結?

in #hongkong5 years ago

My guess it might get messy for a while as there are more than one triad gangs in HK. Rumour has it they have upset another gang as they hurt some of their people in the process, but its all rumours. On Sunday afternoon there were some rumours circulating on internet that this might happened but people dismissed it as fake news. Then yesterday (Monday ) there were rumours there might be gang fights in the evening and many companies allowed staff living around the Yuen Long area to leave work early. Luckily nothing happened. So basically its a bit messy at the moment.

The police will have to step in somehow as this has escalated around the world now. I believe it was on the BBC 10 o'clock news last night. They have to save their own face some how and maybe make some arrests.

However, the wider issues that the protesters are fighting against would be a separate issue as that's down to China. They do not tend to back down to citizens demands. They'll probably tolerate and hope this will all go away after the summer when the kids go back to school.


Thank you @livinguktaiwan. When I see posts about that part of the world and what is happening there, it is of real interest to me. It is always hard to know what is true and what is not. The news from so many nations, including our own, seems to be inclined more and more to propaganda than real news ...

My biggest interest is what China is choosing to do in that part of the world to establish control over whatever part of it is not currently under their control. Taiwan is certainly in that category. And, as far as I understand it, Hong Kong ...

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