Star Wars: Rogue One (A Movie Review)

in #honest-review8 years ago (edited)

I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but a free ticket's a free ticket. So I went for the movie, together with an entire animation studio. So there were 200-300 Star Wars fans filling up the cinema hall, except me. But to my delight, the movie experience was pretty good. Objectively better than the one in 2015, and of course, much better than Episode 1, 2, and 3. So why is it good?

Top notch sensory stimulation

For sound and visual effects, there's really not much to be said here. Like the previous movies, they did an awesome job. Plenty of planets, lazers, and explosions.

Well balanced casts (minor spoilers)

The Star Wars movies have always been known to depict a diverse set of casts. It's a space opera, afterall, set in a universe teeming with life. However, this time they've gone a little further, adding a humanoid Asian-looking guy that kicks ass and says funny things. All while looking serious and full of wisdom. Always good to have.

Also this time they've included a much better robot servant than R2-D2 and C3PO. But that will depend on your taste in robots. In addition, this may be one of the few movies where there is a total absence of whiny characters. I don't go to the movies to get annoyed, so it's a huge plus.

Other than that, the lead actress played her role pretty damn well. Well casted. Did I say that she's pretty hawt? I don't know, maybe she's my kind so I may be biased about her performance here.

Story (minor spoilers)

While story isn't one of Star Wars best suits, I think I have actually grown to appreciate the saga, especially now that I'm able to draw parallels with the stories of planet Earth. There's really not much grey area at all in the Star Wars universe when it comes to morality. It's a classic story of good versus evil. How could you not do something about the big ball in the sky called Death Star?

There's definitely plenty of character development that went on in the movie. Escalated pretty quickly too. Just about everyone sacrificed their lives in the end, even if unnecessarily.

Surprise battle scene (no spoilers here)

Enough said. It's short, but worth the price of admission alone.


It's quite good and not too bad..

Follow me @kevinwong


After the first episode to be shown in the 70s, I was kind of turned off by all commercialism that occurred. Even Planet of the Apes didn't get that crazy. So I really didn't follow the saga to much, until recently when my 11 year old Grandson Jacob shared his interest in it. When "The Force Awakens" hit the box office, he was very excited about seeing it. I wanted so much to see it with him , but we live 1,200 miles away. He proceeded to tell me about the whole saga when we went to visit my daughter in California. He wanted me to watch the first five episodes with him, even though he had already seen them multiple times. There wasn't enough time in our visit to do that, but I assured him that when I got back home I would watch all the episodes in proper sequence. True to my word I did that. He also mentioned that there is a new episode coming out in December but he wasn't sure if he wanted to see it because Darth Vader is in it and it didn't mesh with his perspective of life and death. So I had mixed feelings about seeing it. your post helps me in my decision.

Just for the entertainment. It's pretty well crafted, except for 2-3 scenes which obviously didn't make much sense..

Thanks for the review. I'm definitely going to go see this, I'm a Star Wars nerd...maybe just a nerd in general. : )

Somehow I'm more of a Battlestar Galactica nerd.. but maybe just a nerd in general ;) lol

Can't wait to see this! (To be honest, I didn't even read your post... haha, I don't want to see anything that might give it away :)

It's an instant classic.. enjoy the show :)

Thanks for the review without giving away any secrets. Now I want to see it.

Hahah, now I don't know if that's sarcasm or not.

Thanks Kevin!

I know more or less what to expect :)

Please don't hate me ! lol..

Heading out to watch it in an hour. May the Force Be With You!

Pretty sure it's a decent watch :) The Force is particularly strong in this one

Wow, that's fast. You got into it for free before official release.
I was thinking to go see Donnie Yen in a star wars movie. :-)

Is it? I'm not sure, I just found out about the movie the day before yesterday and just said ok and went for the movie. I thought thursdays are normal for 1st day release, or is that wednesday?

I think Thu is normal as the first public screening.
Release date for Singapore is 15-DEC but according to , US release date is 16-DEC.

If you're not a big fan...and said it was better than the one in that's a good notice for me!! I'm not sure when I will see the movie, thank's for the spoiler alerts :)

I thought the 2015 one was ok, although a lil boring.

Such good news, I didn't think last one was boring...eheh!! Nice :)

I restreamed it but I will wait to see the movie before reading any reviews. I have to wait til end of december until I meet my friends and we watch it together. I am surfing with my eyes closed ;)

All you need to know is that the good guys win :p

Thanks for droppin by, have some too :)

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