Our Chickens - Sort of an Update


Okay, you got me. I don't have much to update on our chicken situation. The roosters still haven't been butchered or taken to the auction so for whatever reason, it has been decided (not by me) that we keep them in the pen until that happens.

We still aren't getting any eggs. I still do not know exactly why. They're not molting, their feed is more than adequate, they've been shut in their pen for two weeks, and they have 3 roosters. They get fresh water every day and their coop is cleaned often. There are no signs of mites, parasites, or of any of the chickens being mean to each other, though the rooster in charge does chase the little roosters a bit. The adult hens are only 2 and a half years old and the younger ones aren't old enough to worry about eggs yet.

My verdict? The 2-year-olds hate the rooster we gave them for fertilization purposes. They didn't have a rooster before. Loudmouth, who was previously in charge and faithfully gave us an egg a day before Foghorn arrived, immediately stopped laying. The others stopped about six weeks later. Thankfully they waited until we got 2 groups of chicks from them. We haven't had more than 12 eggs since June. Probably even less. So I blame Foghorn. They want Loudmouth to be their president, not this pompous ass.

Foghorn, a.k.a. Pompous Asshole

One of the two younger ones we are sure are roosters.

I'm thinking more and more that these two are roos as well. Their tail feathers and combs keep getting bigger and bigger.

I don't want the two above to be roosters. They're too pretty to send to the chopping block!

Little Miss Freeloader

Pigeon, 3 months old and two without names.

Lady, also 3 months old


I like Lady's feather coloring and pattern. It's so unique.

Pigeon and Lady

Pigeon and Lady are typically seen together, as are the two young white roosters and the two other pretty ones that might be roosters.

So that's what's going on in our little corner of the chickening world. If anyone has any advice on how to get our ladies laying again, it would be much appreciated. I should also mention that our weather has been hot, humid, and dry. I don't know how much that factors in.

Anyway, thanks for looking! Stay tuned, as always!


They are so beautiful @hethur240

So many beautiful chickens!!! Thanks to share the updates and these awesome pics of them ^_^

Thank you, @silviabeneforti! I appreciate that.

I love the names of your birds!

Haha! Thanks! I haven't named them all...yet!

I have never heard of a rooster being the cause of a lack of laying, but then again I am new to the chicken thing. Is he being too rough? Your girls look to be in awesome shape if he is. I have two buff orpingtons that I got in April and one just started laying a week and a half ago. The other looks like she is behind in her development. Her comb and waddle are still peachy colored and smaller. But she squatted for the first time for me yesterday, so do you think she may start laying in a few weeks?

I honestly have no idea. I hope she does lay for you soon. Some hens need a rooster to kind of kick start their hormones into laying.
I think adding a random rooster in with them upset their hierarchy. We will see if anything changes if we move him.

I don't know anything about chickens, I'm sorry. but you did take some awesome pictures and it sounds like you have been doing everything you can to help them along. Maybe they are jealous of all the time you have been spending with birdette and her man tony!!

Thanks, @tiredmama. I was thinking of a photo shoot of Birdette and Tony with the chickens but odds are the chickens will run off with them thinking they're something to eat!

"They want Loudmouth to be their president, not this pompous ass."


Beautifull Hen 😍😍😍
goood click photo my friend 😍

Interesting post about chickens :)

Yeah...stress would make them stop laying. I'd be sending those roosters packing, just to see if they are the cause! Great photos. Upped and steemed

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