Making Citrus Fresh Bar Soap In My Kitchen Plus Some Fun FactssteemCreated with Sketch.

Homemade Citrus Fresh Bar Soap


After gathering all the ingredients over the last week, I finally had everything I needed to make this homemade soap. Recipe can be found here



I modified the above mentioned recipe link slightly

30 ounces coconut oil (76-degree)
3 ounces sweet almond oil
4.83 ounces lye
12.54 oz water
1 ounce Citrus Fresh essential oil

I won't spell out every step in text here (you can check the link above for that). I just wanted to share a picture tutorial today.


Letting the water and lye mixture do its magic outside

'Trace' being accomplished on the oils and lye mixture

After 30 minutes of cooking time

Not doing the 'zap test' here. Using Ph test strips instead


In The Home Stretch

Poured into makeshift mold; cooling down

soap done.jpg
Time to cut it up after cooling completely



Fun Facts

  • I have recently wondered on my new venture into soap making about where lye comes from. Pretty simple, really.
    Lye is made from the burnt ashes of hardwood and soft water. See here. Thanks to Mother Earth News for the laundry lesson of the week.

  • What is "trace"? Easy enough, it's the process when oils and lye water have emulsified together.

  • Zap test versus Ph Test Strips- Touch a dab on your tongue and if it zaps you like when you touch your tongue to a 9-volt battery,then the soap is done. OR buy Ph test strips and make sure it is between 7-10. Yeah, I bought Ph test strips. I'm a wimp!

WARNING Always use caution when working with lye. Use outside when you can. DO NOT inhale. Once lye is combined with water it becomes VERY hot and will burn. Wear protective clothing, eye wear and gloves.


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