Blue Around The Homestead

I've always enjoyed participating in @knowledge-seekers homestead photography challenge. It encourages us to take a pause and look around our homestead, appreciating all those things that surround us.

This weeks homestead photography challenge from @knowledge-seeker is 'Blue on the Homestead'. To learn more you can find the instruction to enter here.

Take a little peek into our homestead world through the colour blue!

Wildflowers of New Brunswick Guide

On my desk sits a stack of books. Ok, so on the floor and just about anywhere I can cram something there are stacks of books and I might have a slight book hoarding problem but ... books are awesome right? The blue book in this stack is and important field guide 'Wildflowers of New Brunswick' which is so helpful and informative as I seek to familiarize myself with all of the plants that grow around us.


Gardening Hat & Shawl

I bought this sun hat on my honeymoon seventeen years ago. The shawl is pretty old too. Some of my oldest stuff seems to be made the best. I strongly dislike this modern age of everything being disposable. Anyhow, I can't manage without garments like these. I am surprisingly pale for being someone who works outside a lot. I always have a hat on and often a shawl or other billowy wrap over my shoulders to protect my skin. I spent most of my life in the land of winter - I have to let my skin turn brown nice and slowly.


Old Pottery

I prefer to use handmade pottery when possible and have a great collection. I like it because not only are we supporting an artist but it lasts forever! I find that things I buy new tend to chip and break so quickly, it is incredibly disappointing. We don't buy new anymore unless absolutely forced to.

This big old bowl is my bread bowl. It was made by Robinson Ransbottom in Ohio and cost me $30 at a flea market. It it such a huge and heavy bowl. It holds the heat nicely which is so important when our cabin gets cold in the winter and I need to make bread.


Molly Blue Eyes

Look at those forlorn blue eyes. Poor Molly has a case of the summertime blues. She just isn't built for hot, humid climates. She's been improving at her farm dog duties this year. She hasn't eaten any of our hens in a while (not for the lack of dreaming about it) and she caught a critter that was stalking the chicken coop last month. She was super proud of herself.



There are a surprising number of animal trinkets around the house: giraffes, elephants, ptarmigan, fox, owls, reindeer, polar bear, pigs, rabbits, hedgehogs, chickens, beaver... some of them are also adorned in blue. I didn't really notice this until I started my hunt for blue on the homestead this morning.


Junk Piles

I read a quote once "there is no away" and this is so true. The garbage that we create is ours and so we keep most things and somehow they always end up having a use.


Blue Eyed Bèbè

Molly isn't the only blue eyed beauty in my life. Photos of my not so little anymore beautiful blue eyed Bèbè adorn the walls of the house. His eyes are big, deep blue and he has enviable long dark lashes as well. Boy did he ever know how to charm me (still does). I still can't believe this boy is all grown up. I can't wait to hug and squeeze him tight when I see him in August. Relish ALL the moments because it a flash they grow up!


There you have it. A peek into our homestead through the colour blue!

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

You can also find me at: | Facebook

Photo copyright: @walkerland



This contest sure is fun. Love seeing your selections of blue. Very creative! Don't forget to comment on the post, so everyone can be sure to see your wonderful selections of blue. As always, beautiful photography. I especially like the one with all the books. I got to see what you are reading or have read :-)

oh my. Didn't you have to remind me last time as well? haha. Thank you. :)

Haha, just don't want anyone to miss your wonderful selections of photos. Your posts are always stunning :)

She hasn't eaten any of our hens in a while (not for the lack of dreaming about it)

This made me LOL! :) And that photo of your son is just adorable!!

That dog is such a character. She should have her own blog, it would be hilarious.

My favorites were your hat (I can't believe it's that old!) and the bread bowl.

I wear hats out about every 2 - 3 years. I tend to use straw, and it just breaks apart after a while.

I have an old heavy bowl with a different design. Not sure where it came from.

Liked looking through the glimpses of blue around your place. :))

I can't believe it either to be honest - it does not feel that long ago. I have more than a few hats to choose from which is probably why mine last longer. I really love hats and scarves. :)

I am glad that you really enjoy taking part in these contests! There are so many good pictures here that I do not even know where to start. Haha! If I had to pick a favorite, it would be of your dog Molly. Its a great photo, good job!

Thanks @knowledge-seeker and thank you for putting on these contests every week.

Blue eyes, blue pottery, blue dreams. I love this collection and it's a nice way to see around your place!

Thank you! :)

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