Homestead Landscape Photography Contest


This scene is special to @sagescrub and I because we are looking at the sheep munching through the snow to the green grass beneath. In previous winters, they tend to gather only around the barn where the farmers feed them and never bother to graze in the field. @sagescrub decided to do something about the situation and brought their food out into the field to encourage them to explore further. It only took a few days for them to get the idea. We visited them today and this sight brought us lots of joy!


What a beautiful photo, just like in a movie or a storybook. You guys have outsmarted the sheeps ;-)

Haha...yes, we did!

Estupenda imagen,gran anécdota amiga! un gran saludo de Venezuela:')

Gracias amigo!

seria de gran ayuda si pasara por mi blog:)

This is a great photo! I really liked the trees and the mountains in the background. Also I enjoyed your story about the sheep. Good Job!

Thanks! I love those mountains's definitely a very picturesque place to live :).

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