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RE: 🌽 Update on the 3 Sisters Plantings 🍉 WizStead Post #18

Old seed, eh. We always get starter plants, so we can kill those off instead. :)

Actually, most things are looking good so far. We've had a couple of days of over 80 degree weather that most of the plants didn't seem to appreciate, and then the sun promptly went back behind the clouds, but without really any rain. Temperature is in the lowers 70s today, and it is a little muggy, but nothing major.


Haha yes, those can be killed too! haha

We've been really dry here. 80s high 60ish lows. Some 90s coming up with only a 20% chance of rain for the weekend. I water most with a hose. Some with my bucket...

Planting some bush beans this weekend. Not sure how old those packets are... wish me luck! (Plenty of time to replant if they don't take...)

Good luck! I wish I could be as confident about any replanting we would try to do here, as you are there. It's really best to try to get things in as early as possible as soon as spring warms up, but then the rains, when they come, and wash everything out. So, we're lucky to get things in by mid-May and by then, unless we have an unseasonably extended summer, some plants don't make it to maturity. The tomatoes here are particularly problematic.

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