in #homesteadphotography6 years ago (edited)


Every week @knowledge-seeker holds a homesteading contest. I find some of the topics quite thought provoking. Others really make one aware of your special home(stead)- and grateful. This week's subject is "yellow around the homestead".


Easy perhaps. But here in South Africa we're in the middle of winter. So, not only is everything very drab and dull but the drought means that there's very little colour. We have to choose what is given life giving water and what must fend for itself. Or die.


Walking around our homestead looking for yellow has really made me aware of how determined to live Creation is! We disconnected many of our gardens (and all but one of my herb gardens) a long time ago. And yet, with the teeny bit of condensation or a few drops of rain some things continue to survive! It is quite astounding. Not only that but it sustains bee and bird life.


As you can see my actual house is yellow - yellow is my favourite colour - and so I always "see" yellow things. There are vibrant plashes of yellow around my homestead. From the few remaining autumn apricot leaves, to the young Buff Orpington hen nesting in the fig branches and then there's the honeysuckle which continues to live despite her irrigation being disconnected.


Of course apart from the fact that I wanted this homestead from the moment I saw it because it had a yellow house, it also has a magnificent lemon tree. Twice a year and for a couple of months this lemon tree literally drips with fruit. They are so juicy and delicious that you can even eat the skin!


Below the lemon tree is a small veggie garden with lovely yellow tomatoes just ripening as well as the marigolds which deter bugs.


Because today is wash day there is naturally enough yellow worth taking a photo! Can you tell I love the colour? Even my baby's towel and some cloth diapers are a beautiful shade of sunflower yellow. It has been a lovely walk on this dreary and overcast winter day in the South African Karoo. We're expecting black frost early next week which will probably kill off a lot of the yellow flowers so I took the photos just in time.


While taking my photographic wander I baby wore my little assistant. And - what do you know - he carried his yellow knitted giraffe toy on the adventure! I hope you enjoyed the tour.....



Thanks for the tour of yellow!

Thanks for reading! It's such a happy colour

Yellow mama!

Come to think of it, I usually use it for our text color on thumbnails for videos.

Yellow buff is so cute.

And oooh I just want to hold baby Zach, look at those chubby fingers! They're so cuddable. My baby girl's holding up on her chubbiness... until she decides to be so active. All 4 of them were chubby at one point while on the boobie.

Thanks for the tour, I enjoyed it :) You have a sweet homestead.

Yellow right back atcha @lovenfreedom! You're so funny. Yes boobie babies are chunky babies. Zach is nearly 11 months and still goes on "hunger strike" where he refuses solids for a few days. But he always has a huge appetite for milkies!

The yellow tomatoes do look really good and I wish that we could grow a lemon tree somewhere on our property, but the winters can be pretty harsh. That must be a pretty nice perc to have with a little bit of a warmer climate. Good Job!

Thank you @knowledge-seeker. We get black frost (but only snow on the mountains) and it has never affected our lemon tree. It's apparently about 60 years old.

A wonderful and original blog my child

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