More Seeds, and Some Garden Prep - Spring is only a week away!

Steemit HomesteadingChallenge #10 - Start some seeds!

Hosted, organized, orchestrated by the always marvelous @kiaraantonoviche

plant some seeds!.jpg

I have so many plans for containers on the property I'm at right now (and possibly some raised beds, I'm not sure) - but I really wanted something that feels a little more natural. I got permission from the property owner to do some new stuff out in the orchard. 'Cause remember, I'm renting /slash/ landsharing at the moment!

There are already a handful of existing little landscaped places like this, filled with bulbs (snowdrops, daffodils, crocus - and here, some iris!). The bedded areas are filled with slowly decomposing leaves (awesome!) and there's still a big pile of compost out front (super duper!), so I'm enhancing the landscape and hoping to attract more pollinators to the orchard.

This little area is getting filled with Sweet William - I didn't break into the seed package, and instead used my own from last year. They're all sprouting marvelously in the indoor seed tray, so I feel good about spreading some out now. They're perennials that produce flowers the first year, and as you can tell by the bags, there are a lot of seeds available. If a frost comes along & this first round doesn't make it, I'll try again, no big deal.

Container Gardening.jpg

I'll be getting to the other areas bit by bit throughout the rest of the month. I don't want to do everything at all once & then get overwhelmed when too much starts happening. Right now I've got some container-mixed soil sitting, so that it can warm up evenly, and I'm testing out putting organic matter right at the bottom for drainage, aeration, and slow feeding as the worms go through it. There are so many leaves from the trees, and the bamboo, that I just had to try it out ... if you've got it, might as well use it! That is so totally my mantra for this year.

I'll be putting in some herbs and veggies like squash (thanks again for those seeds, @beatitudes8!) that do well when direct sown. Technically our first frost-free date isn't for another month, but I'm experimenting - I'll never learn if I don't take a few chances here & there! Plus, these containers were donated through a friend of a friend, and so I figured I could pay-it-back with a fresh yummy thank you later on in the summer. Heat-loving plants will go here, as this area gets good afternoon sun and the warmth just kinda floats here, bouncing off of the house.

You know what? I ain't even mad about the clouds that are rolling through today, because they help us stay above 45F!


Excellent! You're the first person to submit an entry to the challenge! Hopefully your expiriments pay off and you learn a lot! Thank you for entering the #homesteadingchallenge - upvoted 100%!

woohoo - good luck to me, and thanks for the big upvote!

this is definitely a year for literal, and figuratively personal, growth

SO exciting to be inching closer and closer to the official kick off of spring and gardening season!

it's like christmas - but with the sound of rattling seeds instead of sleigh bells!

OMGosh!!!! Great comparison!

RIGHT?! i am so excited to help cultivate them!!! :)

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