Homesteading Resolution 2018

After we passed our 9 day off-grid experiment, 2018 now has some big goals. Number one being finding the right property and getting our homestead started. Are we ready? We would love to say, Yes!? But, how can you be? Letting go of everything the world tells you that you must have, to going with only what you need.

Just over a 100 hundred years ago almost everyone in this country lived this way and thrived. During WW1 and WW2 the government wanted us to have our own gardens. Even Batman had a Victory Garden.
But now if you think like these your friends look at you like your from outer-space. Well this space alien is ready to flee the city and find sanctuary in the middle of nowhere and live out my new American dream. So here is to Big Goals for 2018! Homesteading here we come...


Taking that leap can be scary but if your heart is really into homesteading then you won't regret it. Our only regret is that it took us so long to get started. It's true that some people will think you've gone nuts but that's ok right? What you think is what matters most.

One thing I have recently learned is that the less I have, the less I want or need ...and the happier I am overall. Good luck with your homesteading dreams!

Thank you for the advice. We believe this is the right step for us and probably should of pulled the trigger already. But we will move on from here and not regret a missed step.

That's great! What does your ideal homestead look like?

We want to be off-grid and self sustaining. So solar and wind for power. And then gardening and a few farm animals. We are tired of all the bills, hoops and stuff of the 'normal' life. We are ready to move to really living and get out of the rat race. Less is more and as we move toward getting out of debt, off grid is the next step. More time for us and the people and things we love.

Absolutely! Do you have a location you're thinking about?

Hoping in the mountains of Tennessee. But we will see. Our son lives in Wyoming, so you never know.

Tennessee is beautiful! We had friends who homesteaded in Wyoming :)

Best of luck! You've been entered into the contest, thank you!

Awesome thank you.

Thank you for participating in the most recent #homesteadingchallenge! This comment is to inform you that the winner and a few honorable mentions have just been announced! I hope to see you in future contests!

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