Steemit “HomesteadingChallenge” #9 - Theme Announcement and Rules - SBD Reward for Winner!


Welcome to the Steemit #homesteadingchallenge! The goal of this challenge is to unite the Steemit homesteading community with an invigorating contest every few weeks!

The #homesteadingchallenge will require a variety of different tasks and requests from anyone who wishes to participate. Examples of tasks include taking a photo of your livestock, answering a prompt question regarding homesteading, etc. Each challenge will have a different goal / theme so please read the announcement carefully.

What’s in it for you?

I plan to transfer ALL of the SBD reward the announcement articles earn to the winner of each challenge! The more support from each of you, the bigger the potential reward! One winner will be chosen for each challenge.


Anyone and everyone is welcome to join! Simply follow the guidelines in order to be eligible!

  • Follow the specific theme of each challenge - each challenge will require something different.
  • Use #homesteadingchallenge as one of your article’s tags.
  • Complete your submission by the deadline.
  • If you chose to participate, you give permission for your submission to be linked and referenced in the winning announcement article.
  • (Optional, but highly recommended) Upvote and/or resteem this post to increase the number of submissions and potential reward!

Steemit HomesteadingChallenge #9

Share a skill you’ve learned through experience on the homestead!

Write up an article explaining one special skill you’ve learned on the homestead such as canning, hunting, milking, construction, etc. This should be written in a “DIY” article format including an explanation, photos, and/or a video of the entire process - think of this challenge as an opportunity to teach others this skill!

Bonus points if you include the reason(s) why you wanted/needed to learn this skill and the story about your first attempt trying this new skill (whether it ended in success or failure)!

Winner will be chosen on uniqueness of the skill presented and the quality of the explanation/ease of understanding the tutorial.

You have ONE WEEK to write your submission for this challenge - please post it by 11:00 PM (CDT) [UTC offset: UTC -5] on March 4, 2018!

Don’t forget to include the #homesteadingchallenge tag in your article! Please link your submission in this article’s comments below and/or tag me (@kiaraantonoviche) in the comments of your article! This is how I will find the submissions! I will also try to comment on each submission to let you know that I have seen it and that it has been entered into the running!

Winner will be chosen the following day - Monday, March 5, 2018 - and winnings will be paid immediately following this announcement post’s payout. An article announcing the winner with proof of the reward payment will be posted following the reward dispersement.

I’ll try my best to make this challenge (and future challenges) fun, inspirational, and most of all… worthy of your time!

Good luck!

Special thanks to Rydhi for the theme suggestion!

Cover image (modified by @kiaraantonoviche) and second photo from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.


this is a great contest I like this weeks challenge, thanks for putting it together @kiaraantonviche

sounds like a fun one! i've got something in mind... :)

Here you go! My article for this challenge. This came up at the right time as I just learned this skill.

here you go, honey - it's been crazy busy here lately!

contest is challenging ... i want to participate!

You got a 8.33% upvote from @greengrowth thanks to @kiaraantonoviche! You too can use @GreenGrowth by sending your post URL in the memo field to the bot. Minimum bid is 0.01.

If you feel this post is spammy or not worthy of @Greengrowth you can contact a moderator in our Discord Channel

I would love to participate, but dunno what "DIY" format mean, sorry to ask this


Thanks for asking! I simply meant that the article should be written as if you are explaining how to do the skill to someone who doesn't know - sort of like you are teaching them! Hope this helps!


Diy :)

You're not taking it easy on us then?! Lol!

As usual, I wanted to let you all know that I typically do not upvote my own articles. I am only upvoting this announcement article for the sake of increasing the SBD reward the winner will receive! :D

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