Homesteading Challenge Submission for 2018 -Root Cellar

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2018 is the second year for the development of my land to accommodate a root cellar. This is my project that I have started to preparing to build. It all started Summer of 2017 when I needed to save money to have a 50 foot Pine tree removed from the spot where the cellar will go. I have also gathered and put to use the cinder blocks that I bought at a steal, but was not ready for the cellar so I built raised beds to store the cinder blocks. I am going to install cedar raised beds, once I use up the cinder blocks.

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This is the tree coming down. This is the space I needed to put the cellar in. I have a perfect hill to dig right into that is far enough back and has grass all over the top of it.

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So now that I have the cinder blocks and the hill and the tree gone, this spring I will get the smaller back hoe to come and dig into that hill.

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While the winter is upon us, I have gone ahead and chose the type of bins etc, the layout for the root cellar. So over the winter months I will be looking online and ordering the things I need. I will also be booking the digger, the masonry guy, and the carpenter as Spring is usually a really busy time for these guys, so I will get booked in soon. The frost does not leave the ground until mid May so I have lots of time to gather the money and order the things that I need. I am also on a hunt for that cute little window.

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I think these bins will be effective.

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I plan on having one section for the hanging vegetables like onions, and garlic, I love how these folks arranged their root cellar. I have to consider if this will work for our Canadian Colder Climates. I may need to investigate some sort of a heating system just to keep the temps above freezing, I may have to insulate with pink styrofoam. I will also have to purchase and implement some form of an exhaust to allow air circulation. The floor will also need to be insulated. So further research on this will be required.

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So my #homesteadingchallenge is to create this cute little root cellar, by the end of June, just in time for some of my crops to be ready to be stored for a short term. I have already purchase several high Lumens Solar lights for the inside carefully ensuring that they have enough cable to mount on the top of the hill just outside the door. I have quoted the digger guy in the Fall and he said he could do it for $600, and the mason guy quoted $400, the pipes, bins, insulation, I expect will run me $200. So there is my goal, for Spring 2018.


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Sometimes I wish I had land and space to do all this. However, such posts are so amazing to read. :)

Thank you my friend

Awesome goal! I can't wait to see how it all goes! You've been entered into the challenge, thank you!

Thank you looking so forward to see what others are encouraged to do.

Thank you for participating in the most recent #homesteadingchallenge! This comment is to inform you that the winner and a few honorable mentions have just been announced! I hope to see you in future contests!

Yes you!! This is so freaking cool and exciting! I am so looking forward to progress updates, you just changed the entire concept I had for a root cellar :):):) I love your vision <3 resteeming!

Thank you. Just a little bit of research and looking at your space limitations. Get creative, the cinder blocks you can get for a steal repurposed. So the cost can be limited. You encourage you to give it a go.

Wow, you have quite a project on your hands. It will be an awesome addition to your farmstead. Have always wanted a root cellar.

Remember, cold flows downhill, and heat rises, so you would like all in your design to flow downward.

Those bins are made out of HDPE barrels all cut up.
They do not look like a very good use of space, as you can't pile everything up to the rafters. It looks like the bins can only be filled a bit more than half full. And the frame they are in probably wouldn't support any more weight then that. I feel I might cut the barrels in half and place them closer together, but the barrels may lose their structural integrity if you did that.

The way that a root cellar keeps from freezing, is that after you get some feet down in the ground, the earth is the average temperature for the entire year. So, about 60 degrees in most places.

The door, and its wall needs insulated, but the earth is the insulation and the temperature control for the other 5 sides.

Thank you @builderofcastles I knew that hot air rises, so I will have to consider that, had not thought about that. The barrels yes your right might not be a good use of space. I am trying to find a way to put the potatoes, squash, carrots, beets etc. They tend to take up lots of space. I will continue to research. Thanks

I’ll be interested in seeing how all of this turns out! I really need to build a root cellar or modify a portion of my basement. How deep does the ground freeze where you live? Anything deeper than 4 feet here stays at a constant 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

I know that 3 feet is still frozen, so would have to go further, the position where I want to put it is a north facing, sadly, so it will take much longer to thaw. I have fielded this question to a few farmer friends who have a root cellar in my area. They are going to email me back, then I shall let you know. Thanks @theferalone

love this! would be great to have a homestead one day. i'm in BC so the cold weather can be challenging, but do-able. thinking if you fill the cinder blocks with sand or something that maybe that would allow for some insulation? i research this stuff so if i come across anything neat i will let you know!

Thank you! If I fill the cinder blocks, if they freeze they expand and crack! We are in a very cold part of this country!

Super interesting. Lots to consider. Good luck with your project! Thank-you for sharing. I look forward to following your progress.

This looks great! Is it just me that my first reaction is about Hobbits in the Shire?

Oh, how nice! I want one root-cellar too. It's really wonderful designed outside and awesome inside, it will be wonderful when it's finished!

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