Preparing for our Summer Garden :)

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)


Despite it being bitterly chilly, in Maryland, we decided to start laying down the groundwork for our summer garden (now, 3 times its original size, compared to our first attempt, a few years ago).

The first step, was to assemble our little helpers; you can meet some of the usual suspects, below:

My wife, @dianarpo, is the one who is in charge of the conceptual stuff—what goes where—and here’s a list she made of what we’re planting this year:




Over the years, our biggest hits have been the tomatoes (which make for excellent tomato sauce and salads) as well as our herb garden—we make our own pesto sauce—so, we thought to start creating space for those:




Also, mounds for zucchini, one of my faves:


As well as space for carrots & beets:


And, to ensure that the little people did not lose interest (especially, the ever-restless boys) we took some time out to collect a few earthworms, to feed the peacock and peahen (I think kids just liked handling the slimy things).




Here’s what our garden looks like, at end of day’s work:


Thank you, for joining us & may you eat & be well 🙏🏼



Looks like you all made some good progress and it’s great to see the kids all getting involved. Looks like you have an awesome little family mate you should be proud :)

For day 1, I think we did a good job (getting started is always hard). I was thinking of Voltaire’s advice in Candide: cultivate your own garden & the importance of that, literally, & metaphorically.

Yes, the kids are magic—so lucky to have them in our lives! Many thanks, for your warm words 🙏🏼

There's nothing better than growing ur own plants..!

Its like helping a life to flourish with ur own hand..! And its real fun when the younger ones also join..!

Liked tht idea of planning the garden outline before starting..!

Good day..!

~ Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

Lovely way of putting it, helping life to flourish with your own hand. It's a privilege to take part in the cycle of things & to teach the young ones where food comes from. Cheers :)

I love this. Your little helpers look very handy. Its kind of sad how many people don't know where food comes from. I really think more people would benefit from growing their own food even if it is just a couple of herbs. I live in the southern hemisphere. Winter is coming, and I don't think my garden will survive, although it did make it through last winter, which I thought was odd.

Glad you enjoyed it, and I agree that it's good practice for little people to know/see where food comes from, and interact with the soil. We've been keeping a summer garden for a few years and as a result, I daresay, have somewhat improved our eating habits. Bet of luck with your garden; impressive that it survived the winter!

Nothing is better than home-produced vegetables.I like the way how you teach your kids to produce food,because in the future the biggest problem will be to find healthy food to eat...I hope it is 100% organic?

Yup, 100% organic! We might as well put that boundless energy and curiosity of the children to good use :)

working the land is not easy, but when you see your grains, and vegetables on your table, you feel a lot of satisfaction

Very true, hard work, but deeply rewarding _/|\_

Your planning is very good. It is good for the environment, also myself.
It is better to plant more trees.


You are good people, Everyone should plan own house. I inspired you for gardening.

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