
I wasn't aware there was a criteria. If this is an area of interest for you then I'm sure we'd all love to have you on board.

Well I guess I might meet the mark then. I don't really have any space and mainly grow in my conservatory in the summer when it's not ice cold in there 💯🐒

I'd call that meeting the mark. Real urban homesteading! I love hearing how people find ways to grow even when they don't have land to grow in. I'm terrible at growing in containers.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well count me in then 🌱. I don't really have the space currently so am making do until I move. I am trying to use recycled containers. Also waiting for some warm weather too haha. It is hard coming up with solutions currntly but when I do I will be sure to post them 💯🐒

Well count me in then 🌱. I don't really have the space currently so am making do until I move. I am trying to use recycled containers. Also waiting for some warm weather too haha. It is hard coming up with solutions currently but when I do I will be sure to post them 💯🐒

Any time you would like to be added to the list just let me know. We definitely need more in the UK.

I am an amateur but experiment a bit. I have a few things growing currently. I am in a rental so can't rip up the yard to use the space as i'd like. I am looking to buy a place with bit more garden space to work with. Trick work finding the right spot though 💯🐒

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