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RE: Life Edited: Transgenic Food

Great post! I have been to many a protest against these vermin. Their nasty way are being exposed but not quickly enough. I have gone completely organic at home but still an forced to eat poison in public.

Their power is great but its cracking, hopefully people will wake up to it. I constantly tell people an get the "oh but its not as bad here in England" YES IT IS my friends the hide it well. :)


Thanks so much for youur comments and we must spread the word on their dastardly deeds! I just don't understand how this could be allowed.🐓

They have lots of money and influence the media then people are oblivious

That's a true statement.🐓

Yes but sad but the hundredth monkey is not far away then we shall wake :)

So wish it didn't have to get to that stage! 🐓🐓

Oh when were all awake things will all drop into place. It's a good thing :)

The waking of the masses is a very slow process! I hope you are right. 🐓🐓

Slow but very worth it :)

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