How to do a Koffucha (coffee kombucha) brewsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

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Hey there, if you're new to kombucha brewing or don't even know what the heck I'm talking about. You'll want to head over to @theneohippy post on How to Brew Kombucha to learn the traditional process of kombucha tea brewing.

Some important things to consider when attempting a koffucha brew

  • Use filtered water. The process won't work with treated waters with chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride in them.

  • Coffee is acidic so you won't need any starter.

  • Use a spare scoby. Once you use a scoby culture for a coffee brew you shouldn't use it for a kombucha tea brew.

"Once you brew black (coffee), you don't brew back! ( with tea)"

  • Because coffee contains oils there's a chance of rancidity occuring, so pay close attention to your brew during the 7 day process. So if it looks, smells or taste bad. Dump it and start over, with a new scoby culture.

  • The coffee will stain your scoby. It will have dark spots on the culture. This is all normal.

Alright with that out of the way let's start!

Ingredients you will need

8 cups freshly brewed plain coffee
1/2 cup sugar
Kombucha scoby
Glass or Ceramic container

If you don't have a scoby culture you can either order one online, get one from a friend you know that brews kombucha, trade for one on a bartering app or grow your own from a store bought kombucha - a post coming soon on how to do that.


Brew the coffee



Dissolve the sugar in a glass or ceramic container with the hot brewed coffee. Allow the coffee to cool down to room temperature or it will kill the scoby.

Note: Make sure the mixture is free of any coffee grounds


Place the Scoby into the brew and cover container with either breathable cloth or a sheet of paper towel. Use a elastic band to hold it in place.



Allow the ferment to sit undisturbed at room temperature and out of direct sunlight for 7 days.

After day 7 sample the brew with a straw. Do this each day until it tastes pleasant to you. Once it's done place the brew in the fridge to stop the fermenting process.


Serve the brew cold or at room temperature. Do not serve Hot, heat will kill the beneficial bacteria and defeat the whole point of the process.

Happy Brewing!

#kombucha #koffucha #scoby #brewing #fermentedfoods #probiotics #guthealth #tea #ferments #healthfoods #tasty #drinks #beverage #delicious #foodalternatives #culturedfood


Oh i could just smell the goodness, and the coffeeeeee YUM! Thanks for sharing :D

No problem. My pleasure 😀

😮 I'm excited! I will have to try this! What does the end product taste like? Regular kombucha tea is not to my taste, but I put coffee in my protein shake every day.

It has a unique taste. Like a mix of coffee and kombucha. I haven't tasted it in so long though. And my tastebuds aren't really the best to go by. When you do make it and taste it, let me know your thoughts.

Totally going to start this tonight.

Did u try it after all, sam?

We have done Milk Kefir, water Kefir and Kombucha before. My favorite is Kombucha.

Right now we only have water Kefir and it isnt healthy... My wife likes it best and thinks she can 'heal' it...but I'm sceptical.

All of these are not simple jobs... It is really a lot like having a pet...though sometimes pets are easier!

My experience with cold brew coffees and stuff make me think the finished coffee kombucha won't taste how I'd like.... Are you normally a coffee drinker? How do they compare?

Oh and here in your post "Because coffee contains oils there's a chance of racidity occuring,"
...I think you mean raNcidity.

Thanks for sharing!
(Oh.... Be careful using the steemit tag... Sometimes whales are picky and will spank posts that don't seem to match a Steemit themed post.)

I haven't done kefir yet only for the fact that I just haven't gone and acquired the kefir grains.

I only made koffucha once before along time ago. It was quite different from regular coffee from what I remember at least.

Yup! I did mean rancidity thanks lol

Oh ok good to know.

Whoa...first time I've heard of this stuff, thanks V!

No problem. Happy to pass it along.

very interesting. . ..

i like your post so much..

so i knew a new thing by reading your post @venomnymous

Right on! I'm happy to hear that.

I tried it a few weeks ago.
It wasn't my favourite. Maybe it will grow on me.

It's an acquired taste for sure. I like my regular coffee a lot, so I only drink the koffucha in small amounts.

How do you do that and still have the "best day flavor"?
Does refrigerating it slow the fermentation enough to keep it at optimal flavor for more than a day?

Yes, refrigeration slows it right down and keeps the flavour consistent with its flavour on day one.

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