in #homesteading7 years ago

Senna tora, it is a small shrub that grows upright about 1 meter tall, grows wild on the edge of the city, riverside, shrubs and sometimes planted as an ornamental plant. Senna tora is believed to come from tropical America and likes the open or somewhat shady can grow in the lowlands up to 800 m above sea level.


this plant is straight-stemmed, the base of woody stems, many branching, the rare-haired ends of the stem. Leaves lay in the form of multiple pinnate compound leaves consisting of 3 pairs of round breeds, 2-3 cm long, 1 1/3 cm wide rounded ends and leafy base, green, bottom surface of hairy leaf smooth. The flowers are a lot of yellow arranged in a series of bunches that grow on the armpits of the leaves.

The chemistry and pharmacological effects of senna tora are sweet and bitter and salty, and rather cold. The fresh seeds contain chryzophanol, emodin, aloe-emodin, rhein, physcion, obtusin, aurantio-obtusin, rubrobusarin, torachryson, toralactone, and vitamin A.

Diseases That Can Be Cured and How To Use It

Based on literature that records the hereditary experiences of various countries and regions, this plant can cure the following diseases:

1. Red eye inflammation, corneal wound, night blindness, glaucoma.
Powder added to taste, paste on both temples

2. High blood pressure.
Seeds 15 grams of fried (fried without oil) until yellow, then ground until it feels tight, plus enough sugar, brewed with hot water or boiled, drink instead of tea.

3. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, ascites
Seeds 5-15 grams boiled, drink.

4. Hard to defecate (habitual constipation).
Seeds 5-15 grams boiled, drink.

5. Worms on children.
9 gram seed powder plus 1 pairs of chicken liver, crushed and added a little white wine, stirred into slab, steamed, eat.

Best Regards: @tunjex12

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