Simple But Rare Way Of Giving Your Old Jean A Second Life

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Simple But Rare Way Of Giving Your Old Jean A Second Life


jean chair.jpg

second life jean.jpg

We've probably all gotten to that point where you've decided to clean up your closet, only to discover a Ton of your old denim jeans. You decide to give some away (the ones that are still wearable) to those that need them, and then throw the rest away.

Rather than throwing the rest away, you could make good creative use of them. The pictures above are two similar usage of old Denim Jeans to redesign a chair. The same method applies to both of them. The first chair is a home stool, while the second is an office chair.

For today, we will outline the procedure for redesigning the office chair, since that of the home stool is much easier . At the end of the procedure, we will give a short additional procedure for that of the stool, giving the peculiar information that was not given in the case of the office chair.

Procedure For Redesigning The Office chair

Blue chair.jpg


Estimated time of completion of task

  • Approximately 2-4 hours

Things Needed

  • Old Jeans you have no use for (between 3-4 pairs)
  • An office chair you wish to redesign
  • Scissors
  • An electric staple gun
  • Sewing machine with strong needle(preferably needle for Jeans)
  • Threads for Jeans
  • Pins
  • Squared pattern making paper ( Graph-like paper)


1 - Pattern making : This is where we use the pattern paper to try to measure the various parts of the office chair. If you look at the chair above, you'll notice that the cover is partitioned into 3 parts in the front , and 3 parts at the back(where your arm rests on, and where your back rest on), and then the part where your bum rests on.

Pin the pattern paper to the chair, and use the paper to mark down each section of the chair, as shown below.




2 - Pattern cutting : After taking the pattern of the various sections of the chair using the pattern paper, cut out the patterns formed on the papers. Obviously, the left and right patterns are mirror images of themselves, so you don't need to do for the right and the left, all you need do is to do that for one side, and then flip it over to get the pattern for the other.


cut left.jpg
cut all.jpg


3 - Jean preparation : It's obvious that to make a covering for areas like the back of the chair, we would require a large piece of jean. To do this, cut the jean up through the inside leg seam. Then flatten it out and then stitch up the legs together, so that you'll end up with a large piece of jean fabric as shown below.


stitch jean.jpg


4 - Jean cutting : In other to cut the right shape of the Jean needed, pin the patterned paper to the large pieces of the Jean. Don't forget to allow for a seam of approximately 1cm while cutting out the various parts of the Jean,using all the pattern paper you had previously cut.


jean cutting.jpg


5 - Assembling Of Parts Together : Now that you have the cut jean parts, pin them together and then sew the three inner pieces together, and the three outer back pieces together. Then sew the inner and outer sections together, as shown below.



Now that you have your cover ready, its time to cover your office chair with it. Follow the following procedure:

1 - Place your newly made Jean cover over the office chair. Make sure that the position of the sewn seam on the Jean cover matches the seam on the chair. Pin the Jean cover to the chair at it's top. This will help hold the Jean cover in place as you staple it to the chair.


pin jean.jpg


3 - Pull the bottom part of the Jean cover inwards, and then staple it to the inside of the seat. This might not look too neat, but not to worry, this part is not seen, but hidden. Try to use as much staple pins as possible, so the grip will be firm.


staple under.jpg


4 - Turn the chair over and repeat with the underside of the chair. Pull the bottom of the cover and staple it to the chair. Don't forget to remove the pins at the top when you are done.




And voala, you have your Jean covered office chair.

Making The Cover Of The Seat Pad

To make the cover for the seat pad, trace the form of the seat pad on a large piece of jean,not forgetting to allow for 1cm seam allowance. Repeat this step again, so that you'll have two identical pad-traced jean cloth.

Cut out the two traced-out forms, pin them together, and then sew them together, leaving an opening through which you'll put the pad into the cover.

Turn the sewn cover inside out, squeeze the pad in, and then stitch the opening. And you have your seat pad ready.




Final Look

Chair 2.jpg


For The Home Stool

Follow the same procedure for the office chair, but in addition, cut a portion of the both legs of the jean trouser. Pass the legs of the stool through the cut legs of the jean trouser, and then using a wood gum, glue the foot of the stool into good looking shoes, as shown in the picture.

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