Thinking About Goats

It's weird right? Fall is rapidly turning into Winter and we have so much to do. We've eaten all of our ground burger made out of goat meat (which is now the kids' favorite meat). So it's gotten me thinking about goats for next year. My mother sold off her goats since she just can't feed them and she doesn't have time to take care of them since my stepdad died. She has her setup right next door behind her garden behind the barn that has the shop for her greenhouse business.
Takes deep breath after that long sentence
The buildings and fencing is up for 5 technically 6 pens. The 6th one is more for bottle fed babies. She tells us we can use it whenever we want since she sunk all the money into all that fencing and buildings. Yay for us! That gets me to thinking that we can buy 3 to 4 goats come Spring and raise them for the Summer before butchering them in about October. It fills the freezers with the family's favorite meat and we don't have to feed them over the Winter. Win win right? Well what about feed for the Summer? That's no problem thankfully as there are enough pastures to rotate them around with fresh green grass. Now we're looking at grass fed goat meat. Hmm.... it just keeps getting better. I admit I liked how lean the meat was when they were on a special diet, but when you don't have enough money... you do what you can.
I'm hopeful for a breeding herd eventually, but until then... it's all about getting humanely raised meat in our freezers to keep our bellies full and kiddos happy.

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