Gone, but leaving a legacy behind him...

So we broke the bad news about our much beloved farm-mascot-rabbit, Mulder. He was a character that stole everyone's hearts with his cat-like antics. Thankfully he was a proven sire with any of the does he got a chance to make a "date" with. In fact his last date was with a new doe that I brought to the farm back in May of this year. She is a white calico colored rabbit. Some call it a dilute Harlequin..???? I'm not sure what the proper name for the pattern is, but she's new. And she liked Mulder. She liked him so much they got right down to making a litter of Mulder-babies.


We were extra creative with naming the new mommy rabbit. We call her Freckles. Ok, so maybe not all that creative... but she fits the part. Her litter has quite the variety of colors. One solid black, one Lilac (pure grey) and a couple of broken blue and whites. Also one broken brown and white. The family has pretty much all come on-board with keeping all 3 of the gray and white kits; one of wich looks to share an almost identical color patter to it's late father. So of course, it's instantly the favorite of the bunch. (actually, that one and the broken blue/white have me all giddy)

This isn't the only bit of Mulder's legacy. He passed his blue genetics on to his son, Jack. Jack is a chocolate brown agouti color. He looks exactly like his mother, but nothin like his dad, Mulder. Anywhoo, we bred Jack to another new doe earlier this year. In that litter we found an Opal colored bunny. Opal is a fancy way of saying blue/gray overcoat with a beige-ish under fur. It's a neat looking pattern on a rabbit. And because that is not an easy pattern to breed for, that rabbit is going to be added to our roster and stock as well.

So... I thought we were set this year with reaching my 10 does and 4 bucks. But the loss of Mulder means we have room for... another.....hmmm.... 4 rabbits. Yea. 4. Because... chicken math is like... related to, or the same as rabbit-math. And... reasons. Mmmmhmmm, reasons.

Stay tuned, there will probably many more updates as things go on here at the farm.


You've been visited by @minismallholding from Homesteaders Co-op.

I love the application of chicken math to the rabbits!

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