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RE: How To Pressure Can With An All American Pressure Canner, Model 921

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Just seeing this type pressure cooker brings back one of my most horrifying memories! My mom use to use this type for all her canning. My younger sister and I had to watch it and turn heat down when temp gauge rose to a certain temperature. My younger sis and I would take turns. Once while it was my sis turn to watch, she got distracted and it overheated. And bam..the whole top blew off and all the jars that were full of veggie and tomato soup. Yes, broken class and soup all over the ceiling,walls and floor! Naturally I got blamed for it since I was a couple of years older. My dad cleaned up all the glass and liquid and the ceiling, but I had to scrub the walls and floors!! I still do canning, but now with a digital cooker that heats to right temp and shuts itself off. LOl


Yikes! Hopefully neither one of you was burned. I'm sorry this post brought those memories flooding back to you. I can only well imagine what it was like for you to scrub tomato sauce off the walls and floor. :)

No we were fine, just a bit upset that w had to do all that cleaning. LOL ///also, just another childhood memory but not traumatized by it. Great post btw...just be careful with the older cookers. They can be extremely dangerous for anyone that has short attention span.

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