Shabbat Walk with Me

One of the things we love to do on Sabbath is walk our property. It has been raining for days. It finally stopped about 430 and we ventured out to see the damage from the rain. Tonight the road will probably flood out and we may not be able to get out in the morning but we won't know until then.
We went out to check one of our ponds. It had overflowed and made a beautiful little creek in the ravine. The kids decided they wanted to try and dam it @bowentroyer, my love, and I walked on. We found a baby niagra and the creek was flowing pretty good as we got closer to the real creek. This one is not normally here.
On our way in we grabbed the chicken eggs, fed the new chicks, milked the cow, and fed a bale of hay to the big girls who will be calving next month.
This boy wants to be just like his daddy. And my baby girl let me know, "mama, I love our Shabbat walks!" I love them too baby. :)
Thanks for taking a walk with us today! A blessed, new week ahead!


Puttering around one's own property is the best! All you need is good mud boots! :)

That looks great! I love that you guys are doing life together! God is good! Be well!

We love doing life together!

Family walks are some of my best memories!

I love going on walks and can’t wait till my kiddos are older to venture out a little more! Love getting to see the views you have there. I bet it was a lot of fun :)

Much fun had by all! We love to get out and see the beauty of it! And take a nap too lol!

Cool! We follow the 7th day sabbath as well! There seems to be a pattern here... 😎

Always enjoy a nice walk on Shabbat. 2 months ago I shared a walk I went on, thought you might find it interesting.

Thank you! That is quite the bridge!

It is a lot of steps but down on the bridge it is very peaceful. My friend also sees a lot of wildlife down in there too!

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