Ready for goat kids

In April we will begin "kidding". We have around 85 nannies and each nanny will give us twins or triplets. Every once in a while a first time mother will have a single, but usually twins. It's such a fun time of the year. We kid in the same pasture every year. So, the kids and I went to check it out to see if any work needed to be done to get the pasture ready. They got sidetracked in what we call the kid nursery. The baby goats will take shelter in there and play and jump and nap in this little grove of trees.
My children stayed there while I walked the perimeter to check fence and pick up any debris and big limbs down. My view of my home.
Nothing here is flat. That's why this ground is good for pasture. Too hilly and rocky for crops.
My kiddos had a great time making this their fort for about an hour and a half.
It was a nursery for them while I had some alone time to walk and pray for protection and blessing over the babies to come. Every day there will be 10-15 new kids. I can't wait to share the new babies with you! But for now, here's some cute human kiddos :)


I love goats, good luck with all the kids!

Oh my... 85 + (85 x 2 or 3) = ?!?!?!?! That's a LOT of goats!! That pasture must get crazy as they start growing bigger! I'll be excited to watch for cute baby goat pics :)

That pasture is about 18 acres. They kid within about a month and then once everyone is done we move them to a new pasture. But that one is closest to the house and safest as far as watching for predators. We can't wait!

Wow, 85 nannies! This is our first time for goats having kids and we only have 4 that will be kidding. We've been reading up on it a lot, but is there anything you would recommend for first timers?

Most important thing is to keep them warm and dry. We kid late so that is usually not an issue.

Disclaimer: I have very little experience with goats, the following is based on that very limited experience.

If you pet them too much they will not stay inside the fence. They will find a way to get under, over, or through the fence to come looking for you to get more petting. Don't scratch the top of there heads, it's like cocaine for them. Be careful.

Haha! They will find ways to kill themselves too. They are dumb animals. We don't pet ours so they haven't tried that lol

Love all their imaginative play! Keep up the good work Momma!

It was war of course! Need to do this when the boys are here!

We will bring our camo and guns! :)

Thank you :)

85 does?! Wow, I bet kidding season is crazy around your place!!
Best of luck! Hoping for good, healthy babies, strong mamas that don't need help, and plenty of milk to go around! ♥

Thank you! Me too!

@thefarmerswife Oh wow, that's a lot of kids! I can't wait to see them :) 🐐Do you keep any?

Me too! It's so fun! We will keep about 10 females to build our herd and replace any non-producing does.

Beautiful property! Indeed that's a lot of goats and kids running around. Are you selling for meat your breed stock? I thought I was already following you, but I'll click it again lol. Following!
Praise YHVH!

Yes we sell the babies for meat and the females as doelings in the fall. That's what we will be having for Passover. We had lamb last year but trying a goat for the first time eeek! Thanks for following and commenting!

That is a very exciting time...I love brand new life on a homestead, it's rejuvenating!

Very! We are excited!

Best of luck!! What is the plan with that many goats?

Short story: make money lol
Long story: we sell the females for breeding stock and the males for meat. Goat is the #1 red meat consumed in the world.

Make money....makes sense to me! #1 you say, they must eat a lot of it in other countries, not a staple food for Americans!

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