
We had our first set of quadruplets today! This is one of our older kiko nannies who usually has triplets. Although I was excited and shocked, reality is that we have to take at least one from her tomorrow so that they all will get enough milk and thrive. There is one that is a little smaller than the others. That will bring us up to 9 bottle babies.
While they are super cute and fun, they have to be fed 3-4 times a day. We made it to 98 kids (goat babies) today. We will break 100 tomorrow in less than 2 weeks. Calving is slowing down. Only 6 more to go! I love spring but SHEW is it busy! Be blessed!


It just blows my mind when they have more than two. We have six lambs here. I thought we were going to have to bottle feed one, but thankfully Momma took care of her. Nature amazes me. You also amaze me! That's a lot of bottle babies to take care of!

It is amazing how they can do it. I'm surprised they all 4 lived. It's a lot of babies...I'm
Just waiting for someone to call me on Craigslist lol Come buy my babies!

I'm not sure where you live, but if you are in the market for heritage Ossabaw pigs and or Muscovy ducks, maybe we could make a trade trade! We have a few goats already, but seven pigs is too much for our family. I think we have about 40 ducks, unfortunately a few too many of them are males.

We are in Kentucky. If we were closer we would trade for ducks! We have 9 ponds and no water fowl yet. We dug seven last year.

Holy cow (or goat?)! Thats impressive!
I bet the human kids are loving all the goat kids to play with!


They are so adorable! Baby anythings always make my heart happy! I just love seeing everyone's new babies, the four and two footed ones!

omg super cute! sounds like a lot of work for sure tho!! shew is busy for sure :)

How often would you say there are 4 at the same time?

This is a first for us in 8 years! Not often!

cute goat, i like it

This is one reason I like boer nannies in my meat breeds besides just the larger goat genetics but many boer nannies have 4 functional teats which makes 3 or 4 kids a lot easier to handle. Sometimes you still need to substitute a feeding once a day here or there because they don't produce more milk but can milk more kids at one time. Pretty functional. Congrats on the spring kids and calves it is always exciting.

Never heard of a goat having 4 teats. Good for you! We have kikos bcuz they don't need much of anything. No shelter, once a year trimming and worming. Low maintenance. 104 babies on the ground! Hopefully at least 50 more! Very busy and exciting!

I use a kiko sire or kiko boer sire because of those traits. The kiko will straiten out the boers being very need about hooves and wormers. Here is a kiko boer that we have been using several seasons. Your kiko goats are very nice looking goats though if it was not such a pain to transport livestock across several states I would love to buy some to add to my small herds. It is hard to find quality goats as far as kiko or boer here without traveling a good distance. Look forward to seeing updates on all your goats.


Very handsome guy :) we would love to sell you some! ;) We wean in August on our annual goat day! It's a long day of trimming, worming, sorting, castrating....bleh


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