
Wednesday is Bunshafting day for Troy, will you still be going Turkey?

You guys invented that stuff, not me. I have no idea of any such thing

ROFL... Man are you ever a liar... You are saying you do not know what is Bunshafting? Aren't you member of Christian Assembly International (CAI)? Weren't you at their compound in Australia?

Because somehow, I have pictures that says that you are and you were...

Yes, that is my church but I still do not know what you are talking about.

Are you now openly harassing and slandering a Pentecostal church?

Are you now going to openly harass me for my religious beliefs?

I thought that even in your country, Canada, freedom of religion was a right.

Or do you make yourself judge and over rule the courts?

So yes, that's your church, as per your own statement... and yet you deny knowing what is or every heard the term bunshafting? Is that what you are saying?

"Even in my country" ??? LOL are you saying Canada is somekind of a backward or 3rd world country and that it is surprising to you that we have values?

TR, I couldn't careless about religious beliefs... I am personally Atheist. So if you think Big Bird is a God, all good for you... I couldn't give less of a frack.

What annoys me with you is how you use your "belief" and "faith" to get out of dodge... You claim to be a "missionary" (sorry, a lil puke came to my mouth) but yet look at your life...

Years ago you were professing how you would talk about your "faith" and the "Glory of God" once your channel is big enough....

Hey... many years later.... there we are... 100K subs on YouTube... what happened?

  1. Ooooh Preparing for the 100K subs party... (nope, not happening... until getting the 'silver button'.... Dude, most people know you bought the subs.... you are so ridiculous.... rounding 3k views per videos? Assuming you did not buy views as well? ROFL... enough said)

  2. Talking about your faith? Still waiting... what? 100k Subs not big enough for you to praise the lord and make some videos of you talking to the holy spirit? Troy, if the 100K subs were anywhere to be true..... You would have the audience of at least 100 times what the founder of your church ever had... He was a scammer, a pedophile and so are you

Please, go ahead, reply to me... I don't mnind to give you $0.05 so we can expose who you really are...

Actually you brought religion into this. Not me.

My church has nothing to do with homesteading videos.

Nor does your bedini crap, your 'lectronics experiments', or you as a matter of fact... None of these, including YOU has anything to do with homesteading... So, I don't see why you are so reluctant on talking about your 'church'.... Dude you are a fraud from top to bottom and it annoys you that people see through it...

Funny. You call me all those words too.

You must think all Pentecostals are like that.

You are not a fraud Troy? Everything you say is truthful? Is that what you are saying?

Yea, just what exactly is this open day, is it anything to do with Bunshafting it is Wed.

Leatherhead, will you be playing the Bum Shafting song tonight I believe it draws the crowds?

Stranger Danger? Troy Reid invited everyone to come over here from his numerous web sites including the TROLLS!
"They are dangerous online and in the real world."

Don't forget on the run up to Black Friday, Trog will be scamming for gifts on YouTube, just be careful if you don't know him!


Last time the show truck moved, Trog claimed he towed it from the trailer to the woodpile..... for reasons lol.

Trolls are NOT invited and harassing us like this is criminal

Aww, poor widdle Troy got a booboo on his finger and had to go lie down. Did you call your mommy this time? You whined for a full minute about your encounter with that filthy evil nail in today’s video. A normal off gridder wouldn’t have even mentioned it. You are such a pussy.

Its life. We show our daily lives on the homestead.

Thank you for your kind and supportive words

Troy Reid : "The Army made me the man I am today"
The reality: Trog got a little booboo on his finger and had to go lie down. Did you have a little cry as well?

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA "The Army made me the man I am today"

I guess it is a new definition of PTSD

Phucking Troy Shit Dip again....

@thediyworld, I am Not a "troll", but You did invite me here to Steemit, and You, the non-violent bible waving ________ ,
did invite me to where you live to "man up, face to face" with "open hands".

Oh, and "during the day only" as You require.

Thank you.

Here is numbnutz Reid crying wolf at what is 'criminal' ... Just because people point out his flaw of character, his lack of skill set and his tendency to modify the truth....

So, did Danielle really had a McD hamburger under her bed for yeaaaaars.... as you said?

YOU have openly admitted to turning me in to the FBI for crimes I did NOT commit.

I have your screen prints right here on steemit.

The INSANE thing is how you can act innocent after bragging about your open harassment of me and my family.

You have been all over this site harassing me and bragging about it.

Do NOT even TRY to deny it!!!

Here is something for the World to read about you and your friends trying to destroy my family:

And I dare you all not to vote this down.

I mean, if you are all so innocent as you claim, then you should not try to hide my comments - Right?

Again, you just prove how idiotic you are... For one, what you call screen prints... are called screenshots by the rest of the world... You are so freaking awkward it is not even funny.

Yes, I did call the authorities on you based on the fact that you mentioned that you got, as you clearly said: "trip wires" and other stuff that you were recommended to not show on video... as per Tim Carrey (who was under investigation under bomb threats) ... So yeah, damn right I will turn in a lunatic that has potentially a way to harm people....

I am not harassing your family... I am exposing YOU... the rest of your family actually likes me...

Hey Troy, I am not the one denying things here... YOU are...

Oh... you are so transparent... mind to say what is the big RED THING that your purchased a while ago and that MoMT told you it was a bad idea? Or should I?

You are a freaking idiot. I am not hiding anything... BUT, YOU certainly do....

screen print hahahahahahaha... what a freaking moron....

Yeah, but you "forgot" to mention to the FBI that the "trip wires" were intended as silent alarms running to an LED alert board.

Meant to alert me when your friends come to vandalize the property.

You left out that very important part in the FBI complaint.

ROFL... man are you ever off your rockers...

  1. I did not call the 'FBI', I called the authorities in OK. and that was about your affiliation with TC and the statements you made about what was in a certain bad you flaunted around on video.

  2. You never mentioned it was for 'silent alarms' or attached to a 'LED board'... as you pester everyone... I will tell you the same thing... GO WATCH THE VIDEOS... IT IS ALL THERE... (holy fuck are you ever a moron)

  3. As for my friends vandalizing the property: Well, for once, you are saying the truth... it is THE property and not YOUR property... but this is where the truth ends... You are trying to make people believe that, your 'sworn enemies' travel hundreds of miles (in other cases, thousands) to come to 'the' property to kick a pile of wood or cut wires in a lawn tractors or shine a flashlight in your windows? You really need to get your head checked if you believe that... As a matter of fact, CPS should be worried that you are around a child.

Anything else you want to add dear delusional, lying , scamming YouTuber?

Looks like Chris 3 is thinking of going off the grid, he's wearing a headlight!

Special offer to all Steemit users, watch Trogs Patreon video for free, his circus is still in town, roll up, roll up come take a seat.

That's just not right pimping your family as click bait for donations.

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