
Chicken manure mixed in with the spoil to down below root level can really help prevent frost damage. I'm not sure of the chemistry but it actually helps keep the soil temperature above freezing. Also, if you compost the chicken manure for a few months before using it you'll get much better results with less chance of burning your plants. I use wood chips in the coop and then shovel all that out to the compost pile. Best fertilizer you can get, period.

Wow. I had no idea that it could help against freezing. I have to look into that. Thanks.

We use pine shavings as bedding and then compost that.

Yeah, I use pine too. A big pile of composting chicken manure can get so hot inside that it can actually catch fire. You probably notice when it's cold outside and you dig in with the shovel steam rises out. My family made a fortune one year on turnips because we were the only farm in the region that didn't get wiped out with a record low cold snap. The secret....chicken poop :-)

@thediyworld The amount of food you got from that failed garden was pretty meagre. That was why you reduced yourself to buying animal feed to eat. How did your corn crop go?

Personal opinion I guess.

We are still processing the harvest from our garden.

What exactly are you "still processing" from your garden pray tell?

Food. You are way ahead of the current video

@thediyworld Are you still processing your corn and mung bean harvests?

No, He cut his little finger and had to call Mommy. Mommy said little man you just lay down and do a sympathy video later.

Time for him to pull the big sympathy gig and claim to break some ribs. He did that a lot in Pine Bush. Now he has a slave to do the work so he can sit on the computer and "MEND" for the winter.

Its called life.

We show our daily lives on video.

I thought you said you were out deer hunting this morning? That's what you say in today's video in the comments, yet you have posted all morning on steemit. Which is it? You said you were soaked because it was raining. I guess you don't deer hunt much as the deer don't move when it's raining. But it's questionable whether you were out at all.
Oh and before you call me a troll, you invited everyone to join you here, I watched the video you put up.

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