RE: The Off Grid Tiny House On Wheels I Built On Our Homestead
Actually you guys paid a person to come to our land and its all on the internet. A permanent record.
I am sure you guys deleted it all when you shut down your forum for cleaning.
But dont worry, I have screen prints and copies enough.
Oh you guys are so innocent huh
You guys turn me in all the time. You openly plot against me and brag about it on your forum.
And then you come on here and act innocent???
You guys really need to seek professional help. I feel sorry for you.
The Off Grid Tiny House on wheels was just fine. It was warm and cozy and held the weather out nicely.
There was nothing wrong with it.
But being stalked and harassed was a problem.
And you forget, I had witnesses to the vandalism in the last months. Not that the authorities over there cared one bit. Another part of the reason for our move.
those videos and the pages from sucks have all been saved the days they were posted
I have multiple copies and am putting together a printed folder as well.
@thediyworld I have already debunked your lies about that visit to Pine Bush, after you had fled the dumpstead. The thread on the sucks forum has NOT been deleted. Why would they? There was nothing wrong done by anyone. If that’s your best example of “real life harassment”, then you’ve got nothing. You say there was nothing wrong with the tiny house? Lol it was an illegal structure, not built to any codes and illegal by NY laws to permanently reside in.
Another insane thing is that you feel that paying someone to come to my property and take photos and video when we are away is not wrong.
It just proves that you cannot be prosecuted by law because you will not be found mentally fit to stand trial.
The little man commenting on mental competency is right up there with Richard Nixon "I am not a crook".
The only thing you can say is WOW.
How are things going with your involvement in the CAI cult? Recruiting in Michigan?
Oh, now we are back to religious persecution?
Well, at least you like to mix up the harassment a bit huh
You are confused again little man. The CAI is a cult consisting of a collection of mental misfits, sexual deviants and founded by a Pedophile. Legitimate Religions are recognized by Government as such while the CAI is a Cult freak show.
We are a Pentecostal church based on the King James Bible.
You are now showing to the World the type of harassment I suffer from you guys
The CAI is a Cult founded by a Pedophile.
There you go with religious persecution again.
I am a member of a Pentecostal church fully based on the King James Bible.
You know, they bore false witness against Christ himself so I would expect no less for following him.
Read The world knows what kind of filth your tied into.
Yeah, I know.
You get so sweaty and dirty working in the garden and the dirt all day.
Good morning Mr Reid nice to see you up so early commenting and wasting your time on here. Just getting ready to earn another $320 today. How much will you earn by sitting on your ass trying to defend yourself. I will check back in at lunchtime.
No response from Mr Reid guess he is too busy with other commentators. Such as a shame no entertainment for me this lunchtime. I notice you have spent most of this morning on here. What a waste you could be out enjoying yourself. bet Melanie is fed up and being home all day. Going snapper fishing tomorrow on a charter. Snappers are good eating, beats your fishing in a muddy lake enjoy the rest of your day sat in front of your laptop.
You cannot "debunk" the facts. Its all out in the open.
We owned the property and you guys paid a guy to come take videos and photos when we were away.
He was trespassing and you guys were telling him to hurry up.
What you guys did not foresee is that I had someone on the property to watch for just such an occasion.
I got photos and video of your man taking photos and video.
The insane thing is that you deny it when its all out in the open for the World to read for themselves.
Now that is insane!!!!
@thediyworld, You did NOT own that property.
Land records prove that.
You are lying, again.
And you are warped. Just do a google search on "land contract"
you can read and write so just do it. See that of course my name was not on the deed. Not until I paid it off in full.
Its called a LAND CONTRACT
Land contracts have to be registered, yours never was registered, your land contract was viod when you stopped paying on it and left the state.
That guy asked permission to come on the land NOT belonging to you. and the people say it was ok,
You dont have a leg to stand on.
Your made up laws are not laws...
you'll learn that at your IRS hearing.
If he had permission (he did not) then why did he almost mess his pants when the people watching my property came out to meet him?
Why did he say he was surprised that anyone was there?
Why did he seem so scared and run away after I talked to my friends?
Why did you guys tell him to hurry up before I got home?
Its all on the internet for the public to see.
I was not there to see him mess himself
Those people told him you were evicted and not coming back and they offered him all your junk, explain that?
Who are you guys? that you keep mentioning?
post the video...
You can prove it,
Oh wait you dont want the guy saying how much shit you left behind, and trashed the 56 acres of a 80 year old woman property cause then you might look bad, hmmm ok don't post it then. maybe i will, lol
Yeah right. Then explain my trip back to get my stuff.
Explain the comments on sucks telling him to hurry up before I got back HOME
My land contract was legal and binding.
That guy did NOT ask permission.
I was the land owner by law at that time.
He was trespassing and you guys paid him to take photos and videos of my property.
You lost the land deal when you made the video saying you were moving.
When you don't pay your rent everything is NULL and VOID, you missed how many payments... after the first payment you lost it...
Reread your contract, remember its law, not what you think is law... I know your dumb but your taking it too far.
The guy had gotten permission to be there from the people that were living in the piece of shit on wheels
Mortgage <> Rent
Look up Land Contract.
The guy had no permission to be there. He ran off when I found out.
And its all recorded.
So I guess you are also saying that nobody with a mortgage "owns" their home?
In a way, you are correct. The banks own the home
So if sucks commenters were just playing with you knowing you read their site it would seem the joke is on you troy. That should hold up in court nicely unless someone has an attorney then its not gonna slide. Where is your big fat attorney friend Molly Dolly? Did she finally die of obesity?