
Quote " Are you jealous or just mad at life?
We show our daily lives on our homestead. You dont have to like it. You dont even have to believe it.
But to spend countless hours harassing us just does not make sense."
I'm not mad at life. I just think you are an asshole for accusing me of flying my drone over your property when I live over 3000 miles from you. I think you are an asshole for the accusations that someone put oil in your coolant overflow tank. I think you are an asshole for e-begging 1000 dollars for a 400 set of new tires. My life is going just fine. How's yours?

Actually it is funny that you say I begged for tires - specifically - since my truck tires are still bad. And there is not one bit of evidence that I ever begged for anything.

Your tires are still bald and you transport a wife baby on winter roads with bald tires? Some prepper you are? Wow a year later and you still have bald tires on the truck.

Oh really? Hmmm, what life are you in? What planet?

The truck has been dead all summer.

Oh, and by the way, I am driving something else now. But that is none of your business.

Still showing the Dodge truck as your vehicle but 'driving something else' is a FAKE LIE. What part of scamming LIAR don't you understand??? You did not pay for Olds or Dodge so what new to you vehicle have you begged, borrowed or stolen? A quad maybe???

Oh boy. Above in this article I wrote: "I am sharing our videos since we moved to our new homestead in order to give you the background story"

So that means, I was driving the truck LONG AGO.

But you know that already.

And you keep trying though dont you. Trying to turn people away from me.

You just said you were 'driving something else'. Comment totally initiated by you. Now you are backpedaling cause you don't want possible donators thinking you have/had money for a new vehicle. You did NOT keep up tale of woe. See... you are too STUPID for your scam/con job. You do an excellent job of turning people away from yourself. So how did you pay for the new quad???

@hunnybadger, Perhaps Daddy Bill "donated" (wink wink) the handi-cap van.

Speaking of Bill, why do we never see him?


I think that quad is the one he brought from PineBush that needs fixing,
but Reid is unqualified and incapable to repair.

That's why it's hiding behind the house.

The garage must still be full of junk.

You are a big bloated bag of hot air. That is all you are. And that is how serious I am going to take you from now on.

run along troll.

New quad??? Boy you guys sure have an imagination.

And what about donors? Are you reaching there?

Or just trying to turn more people through your lies.

Your words are slanderous and criminal. You state as fact something that you have NO IDEA about.

Exposing your LIES and SCAMS with the truths that you don't want known is encouraged and legal. Just cause you dislike something does not make it illegal. STOP taking advantage of other people.

Hot air bag blowing again.

We make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

And its FREE videos.

If you dont like us. Leave.

If you dont believe us. Leave.

Harassing us is criminal

You know what is odd?

I do not even know who you are?

It is quite interesting though that you take offense at such a thing because I never named anyone.

I just knew that on sucks they were talking about someone flying a drone over my place.

I find it quite interesting that you, personally, take offense at it.

Its like the who farted game.

The first one to say "it was not me" is usually the one who farted.

Do you have a guilty feeling?

Do you have something you want to get off your shoulders?

Yes T-liar I have something to "get off my shoulders" FUCK OFF and get off the internet and look after your family by getting a real job. I feel better now! How bout you?

You dont like my words.

Go away.

YOU go away.

Simple really.

Run along now.

But you do NOT get to come here to my blog and tell me to go away.

You do NOT get to come to my blog and tell me how to run my life.

Nope. Not gonna happen.

Run along now.

Yes I do! Go away. I repeat go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away na na nah na

This is my blog. I like the community. I like steemit. You can leave if you like but I am not going away from my own blog.

I will give you the same advice the internet cyber bullying police gave you and the same advice your cult church gave you. Get the fuk off of the internet and stop showing your daily lives. Get a real job and start looking after your family you twit.

No. I do not bow to bullies. I learned that in school. You are a bully. Plan and simple

I know you are sad. I know you are hurting. But taking it out on others is not the way to go.

You are only hurting yourself.

Go away. Get a hobby or something. Something with low stress.

Actually no. You are stalking us. You are harassing us. You are criminal.

Cyber bullying is a crime.

Inciting others to violence against us is a crime. (your sucks site does just that. Your videos do just that).

And I have a good job. I like my job.

You have no right to tell me, or anyone else, how to earn their money.

You have some godlike attitude.

You need help.

My videos show stats and real numbers to prove that you are a liar. It's impossible that you are 95% off the grid as you claim openly. It's there right in the open that you are a liar. I have seen screen shots. It's not slander when the truth is spoken. Even your church thinks you ae lying, you said so yourself and it's all there out in the open unedited for the world to see.

And you know what is really funny???

People use extension cords all the time.

Guess what? They work!

Your stupid video is just that. Stupid.

You "prove" that you cannot power things with an extension cord (funny they sell that stuff all the time).

But your friends are calling me a liar and saying my off grid shop is powered from the house by an extension cord.

But at the same time my house is powered from solar by an extension cord.


@thediyworld No one is saying that your spank sheds are powered by an extension cord from the house. Those sheds have their own solar panels connected to batteries etc. What you have said is that your fridge and appliances are run from an extension cord from those 3 solar panels outside the trailer. That is just a very silly lie.

Oh really?

Interesting since right here on the block chain someone just said that I was powering the shed from the house by an extension cord.

And funny because some of your group are saying the solar panels are not connected.


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